set graphicapptransform
set graphicapptransform=transformstring
This command specifies a set of graphic file formats that should be transformed to a different graphic file format when using PTC Advanced Print Publisher to publish a document for print or PDF.
The transformstring is one or more transformation rules. Multiple rules are separated by a vertical line ( | ). Each transformation rule has two parts separated by a colon ( : ). The first part of the rule is a list of graphic formats to be converted separated by a comma ( , ). The second part of the rule is the graphic file format to which the first set of graphic formats should be transformed during publishing.
The following graphic formats are supported for transformation:
sunbm — Sun Bitmap
xbm — X Bitmap
eps — Encapsulated PostScript file
cur— Windows Cursor file
drw — IslandDraw DRW file
sunicon — Sun Icon file
tif — Tag Image File Format
drwunc — IslandDraw DRAW file (not compressed)
png — Portable Network Graphics
wmf — Windows metafile
icon — Windows icon
pcx — PC Paintbrush File Format
bmp — Windows Bitmap
cgm — Computer Graphics Metafile
gif — Graphic Interchange Format
jpg — Joint Photographic Exports Group
calsG4 — CALS raster (G4)
svg — Scalable Vector Graphics
idrArbortext IsoDraw file
idrzArbortext IsoDraw file
isoArbortext IsoDraw file
isozArbortext IsoDraw file
edzCreo View file
This format is not supported as the target output of a transformation.
pvzCreo View file
This format is not supported as the target output of a transformation.
pdf — Portable Document format file
This format is only supported as the target of a transformation.
+ — Represents all graphic file formats that are not web-friendly
The web-friendly graphic file formats are GIF, JPEG, and PNG.
* — Represents all graphic file formats
For graphic file formats that are also included in the isoviewfileformats preference, those formats can be transformed to one of the following types:
All other graphic file formats can be transformed to one of the following types:
For the graphic file formats specified in the isoviewfileformats preference, the target cannot be gif.
Indicates that a particular graphic file format should not be transformed. In this case, PTC Advanced Print Publisher will process that format.
set graphicapptransform=cgm,idr,idrz,iso,isoz:pdf
set graphicapptransform=iso,isoz,pvz:jpg|svg:png
set graphicapptransform=*:png
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