js_source (filename[, args[, private]])
This function reads and executes the JavaScript program from
filename. The optional
args parameter is converted from a string to an array and passed to the script in the JavaScript
arguments global object. The arguments are delimited by blanks and follow the normal
quoting conventions.
If the specified file name does not contain any slashes and is not found in the current directory, the
js_source function searches the list of directories in the
set loadpath command. The
.js extension is appended to the file name if necessary.
By default, the JavaScript program is evaluated in the global shared scope, so previously defined JavaScript functions are accessible. If the optional parameter private is specified and non-zero, the expression is evaluated in a temporary scope, so global shared scope functions are not available. As a result, top-level objects (including function definitions) created during evaluation are discarded on return. The default value is false.
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