clean_cache [-verbose] [-noexec] [-help] [-size n] [-time d] [directory]
The clean_cache alias can be used to manage the auxiliary publishing files stored in the Arbortext Editor cache directory. The algorithm for selecting which directories to remove is based on the time a directory has spent in the cache without being modified. The available arguments are described below:
• -verbose — Displays information messages while the alias runs.
• -noexec — Displays a listing of the directories to be removed, but does not actually remove the directories.
• -help — Displays command syntax.
• -size n — Reduces the size of the cache to n Kilobytes.
• -time d — Removes files that have been in the cache (unchanged) for d days or more.
• directory — Specify the cache directory to clean. If not specified, Arbortext Editor uses the location set by the APTCACHE environment variable. If APTCACHE is not set, Arbortext Editor uses the default location. The default directory is typically C:\Users\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\PTC\Arbortext\Editor\.aptcache.
The clean_cache alias permanently deletes all data in the specified directory and its subdirectories, not just Arbortext Editor cached data. Use the -noexec and -verbose arguments to ensure that clean_cache will delete the exact data you intend.
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