oid_include_expand (oid[, pos[, flags]])
This function returns the state of the nearest enclosing included object for the specified oid and character location pos, either expanded or collapsed.
If flags is omitted, and the specified oid is not in an included object, this function returns a -1. If flags is omitted, this function returns a 1 if the enclosing object is expanded, and a 0 if it is collapsed.
The flags parameter is a bitmask that controls the following options. It is constructed by using OR for the flags from the following list:
• 0x01 — Causes the include to be expanded (if it is not already) to show the contents of the included object. If not set, the include will be collapsed (if it is not already) to show the xinclude markup itself
• 0x02 — Prompts the user to save any unsaved changes if the collapse or expand would cause those changes to be lost. If not set, no prompting or saving occurs.
pos can be any of the following values:
• 0 — (The default.) pos is immediately after the start tag identified by oid.
• -1 — pos is immediately before the end tag of the element identified by oid.
• -2 — pos is immediately before the start tag.
• -3 — If oid is a start tag, pos is immediately after the end tag. Otherwise, pos is at the end of the object.
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