set newlist
set newlist=doctype_dir1 [;doctype_dirn]
This command specifies a list of paths to custom document type directories, which are used to populate the Document Type list in the New Document dialog box. It also enables you to remove a document type or a description of a document type from the list.
You must enclose the value expression of this command in quotes. In general, any set command that takes an arbitrary string value must be quoted.
doctype_dir can be specified in the following formats:
an absolute path to a DTD or a document type directory
the base name of a document type directory
Arbortext Editor searches for that directory based on the directory paths specified by the set catalogpath command.
a path to a document type directory that is relative to one of the directory paths in the catalog path
Each document type is included in a category in the New Document dialog box. When a document type is included in the set newlist list, Arbortext Editor determines the document type’s category. If the category has already been included, the document type is added to the end of that category list. If the category is included for the first time, then the category is added to the end of the category list and the document type is its first entry. The following rules are used to determine a document type’s category:
Use the name of the category configured in the document type configuration file (.dcf) file.
Else, use the document type’s application or custom name configured in the application.xml or custom.xml file in the application or custom directory.
Else, use the name of the custom directory.
If there are multiple custom directories that have the same name, then part of the path to the directories will be included to distinguish the directories.
Else, use the Other category.
Note that the Other category is always listed last in the New Document dialog box.
Use %D in the path to include the document types that are distributed with Arbortext Editor (chemin-Arbortext\doctypes). If you don't want to include the distributed document types, omit %D. You can specify document type directories before or after %D.
The order in which the document types appear in the list is determined by their order in the set newlist command. When you use %D, the distributed document types are listed in the following order in the New Document dialog box:
Category: Technical Information Application DITA 1.x
Cover Page
Service Diagnostic
Side by Side Procedure
Category: Technical Information Application DITA 2.0
Concept 2.0
Cover Page 2.0
Diagnostic 2.0
Procedure 2.0
Reference 2.0
Service Diagnostic 2.0
Side by Side Procedure 2.0
Task 2.0
Topic 2.0
Troubleshooting 2.0
Map 2.0
Category: DITA Technical Content 1.x
DITA BookMap
DITA Concept
DITA Glossary
DITA Reference
DITA Topic
DITA Troubleshooting
DITA Ditabase
DITA Key Definition Map
Command Value:
dita\ditabase (includes all DITA topic types)
Category: DITA Technical Content 2.0
DITA BookMap 2.0
DITA Map 2.0
DITA Concept 2.0
DITA Glossary 2.0
DITA Reference 2.0
DITA Task 2.0
DITA Topic 2.0
DITA Troubleshooting 2.0
DITA Ditabase 2.0
DITA Key Definition Map 2.0
DITAVAL File 2.0
Command Value:
dita\2.0\ditabase (includes all DITA topic types)
Category: DITA Learning and Training 1.x
DITA Learning BookMap
DITA Learning Map
DITA Learning Assessment
DITA Learning Content
DITA Learning Overview
DITA Learning Plan
DITA Learning Summary
Command Value:
dita\learningDitabase (includes all DITA Learning topic types)
Category: DocBook
Arbortext XML DocBook V4.0
Arbortext Article (XML DocBook V4.0)
Command Value:
Category: HTML
Command Value:
Category: Other
Free-form XML
Command Value:
You cannot reorder the distributed document types in the Document Types list if you use the %D predefined value. Instead, you must specify each document type individually, in the order in which you want them to display in the Document Types list.
For example, if you want to add the corpmemo document type before the distributed document types and the mydoctype document type after the distributed document types in the Document Type list, set newlist to the following value:
set newlist="C:\\doctypes\\corpmemo;%D;mydoctype"
Note that the category in which these document types appear in the New Document dialog box is controlled by the category placement rules covered earlier.
You can also use the set newlist command to remove a distributed document type from the Document Type list. To do this, add a caret (^) before the document type that you want to remove.
For example, to remove the Arbortext XML DocBook V4.0 document type, set newlist to the following value:
set newlist="%D;^axdocbook"
Further, you can use the set newlist command to remove one or more descriptions of a document type from the Document Type list. Document type descriptions are defined in the DCF file associated with the document type. To remove descriptions, add a caret (^) before the document type with the description you want remove. Follow this with a pipe character (|) and the name of the description. You can add as many descriptions as you want, as long as a pipe character separates each description name. If the name of the description has a pipe character in its name, precede the pipe character in the name with another pipe character to escape the character in the description name.
For example, assume the corpmemo document type had two associated descriptions named hrmemo and execmemo. Set the newlist command to the following value: to remove those descriptions from the Document Type list:
set newlist="C:\\doctypes\\corpmemo;%D;^C:\\doctypes\\corpmemo|hrmemo|execmemo"
Note that in addition to using the set newlist command, you can also use the New List Configuration dialog box to control the contents of the New Document dialog box. You invoke the New List Configuration dialog box from the Advanced preferences dialog box.
The newlist option is automatically updated in your preferences file after you close a Arbortext Editor session in which you've changed the list of document types.
You can use the append_newlist_path ACL function to update the document type paths that appear in the Document Type list in the New Document dialog box.
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