Langage des commandes Arbortext > Commands > print > composed Argument Options
composed Argument Options
The composed argument outputs a formatted copy of your document. The following options are valid when the composed argument is valid.
panel — Opens the Print Published View dialog box for printing.
You can make the selections for printing using the dialog’s controls instead of argument options, if required.
all, current, page_range, page_list— Control what portion of the document to print:
all (the default) — Represents the entire document; this option presumes forward page ordering and will start with page one. If you wish to print an entire document in reverse order, use the page_range option or print from the Print panel, selecting Reverse for page ordering along with Pages to print: All.
current — Represents the formatted page from the currently active Arbortext Editor window. If the Print Preview window is active, the current page is the page(s) displayed in the Print Preview window. If the Edit window is the active window, Arbortext Editor prints the page on which the cursor is located when it is formatted.
page_range — Represents the ordinal page numbers for the portion of the document to be printed. (If your document has four pages of preface material, the page with the number “2” on it may actually be ordinal page 6.) You can specify a single number (for example, 2 prints ordinal page 2); a range of pages going from either smaller to larger or larger to smaller (for example, 5–3 prints ordinal pages 5, 4, and 3, in that order); or a series of pages and page ranges (for example, 1,3–5,7 prints ordinal pages 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7).
If you wish to print an entire document in reverse order, reverse the pages for the page_range option so that the page number of the last page of the document is on the left-hand side of the page range separator (for example, 87–1). You will need to know the exact number of pages in your document. You may want to print in reverse order if your printer stacks the first page at the bottom of the pile. (Note that some documents that include PostScript prologues may not print with reverse page ordering.)
Valid page specification characters are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. The separator characters are - (a page range separator), : (a page count separator), and , (a token separator). A page range of the form pg:count starts with the page of the first number and prints the number of pages specified by the second number. A , separator can separate a series of page range specifications in any of the supported formats. For example:
3-5 specifies pages 3, 4, and 5
1,4,7-6 specifies pages 1, 4, 7, and 6
2:3 specifies pages 2, 3, and 4
4:-3 specifies pages 4, 3, and 2
If you are specifying pages in reverse order, the absolute value of a negative page number can't exceed the starting page number (making a specification such as 4:-5 invalid). All white space (blank, tab, newline, CR, LF) is ignored, with the exceptions that newline, end of line, or null character are interpreted as the end of a token.
page_list — is a text file containing a list of page specifications. The page specification list allows the same formats supported by the page_range parameter with the following extensions:
A new line (as well as a comma) can be used to separate page specifications.
A page range specification must be on one line. Do not put the first page of the range and a hyphen on one line and then the last page of the range on the next line.
For example:
specifies pages 1, 8, 9, 12, 37 through 55, 87 through 237, and 259 through 303.
onepass, allpasses, and noformat — Control the formatting process that precedes the print:
onepass — Prints the document after performing a single formatting pass. If one pass is not sufficient for final output, then the Arbortext Editor status bar will indicate re-fmt needed and another print command will trigger another pass.
allpasses (the default) — Prints the document after performing as many formatting passes as necessary for final output. Arbortext Editor performs one pass if there are no page number references in the document, if pass reduction is enabled and succeeds, or if the value of the page numbers can be correctly inferred from a previous formatting session during the current Arbortext Editor session. Otherwise, Arbortext Editor performs multiple passes.
For compatibility purposes, the obsolete final option for the print command (used for published output in releases preceding Epic Editor 4.0 ) is mapped to the allpasses option.
noformat — Prints the document using the existing formatting data file (.dvi file) for the document (if it exists). Use this option carefully. It is useful if you need draft output for a large document in a hurry and do not want to take the time to reformat minor changes you have made. It could also be used in carefully controlled applications to format in one Arbortext Editor session, and print or preview in another Arbortext Editor without the need to reformat the document.
Printing with the noformat argument does not affect the document's formatting status (that is, fmt-needed, refmt-needed).
auto and force — Control how Arbortext Editor decides whether a document instance requires formatting:
auto (the default) — Lets Arbortext Editor decide whether the document needs to be formatted or not before being printed. Arbortext Editor will trigger formatting if the document has not been formatted during the current session, or if the previous formatting command left the document in the refmt-needed state, or if the document has been modified since the preceding formatting command. If the document is up to date with regard to formatting, then preview auto will print the specified portion of the document without reformatting it.
force — Forces at least one formatting pass regardless of whether Arbortext Editor thinks it is necessary.
force and auto have no effect when noformat is specified.
wait and nowait — Control whether Arbortext Editor should wait for the print to complete (that is, spool) before continuing to execute commands:
wait — Instructs Arbortext Editor to wait until the format process is complete (that is, spooled) before continuing with subsequent commands. If formatting fails, your function can return a non-zero error status and retrieve the error message from the variable main::ERROR.
nowait — Instructs Arbortext Editor to continue processing and perform the print in the background. This is what usually happens when you select File > Print Preview or File > Print Published.
The nowait option is the default. However, if you are running Arbortext Editor with a -c startup option from the shell, Arbortext Editor will always wait for the print to complete, even if you specify the nowait option.
portrait and landscape — Control the orientation of the output on the paper. If neither is specified, portrait is assumed.
collate and nocollate — Controls whether the output is collated. If neither is specified, nocollate is assumed.
papersize — Controls the size of the paper on which the document is printed. Specify one of the following options:
If you do not specify an option, papersize defaults to the current printer's paper size setting.
paperheight and paperwidth — Allow you to specify the height and width of nonstandard paper. Allowable units of measure are: pc, pt, cm, mm, and in.
printer — Sends the document to a specific printer if you have more than one printer attached to your system.
file — Writes a PostScript version of your document to the specified file.
color — Generates color PostScript (requires PostScript level II compatible printer) or monochrome for black and white. Color is the default.
copies — Specifies the number of copies to be printed.
stylesheet — Specifies a stylesheet for a publishing request to the Arbortext Publishing Engine from Arbortext Editor. You must specify e3:stylesheet-path, where the path is an absolute path to the stylesheet file name. This option is not available if you use panel. The option is ignored if you are not using the Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing documents.
Following are examples of the print composed command:
print composed
print composed current
print composed 3
print composed 2-6
print composed 14-11,9,7-3,1
print composed all copies=4 printer=lw
print composed file=thesis
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