Help > Authoring > Graphics > Supported Graphic File Formats > SVG
Format type — Vector
Operating systems — Windows
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML that allows for three types of graphic objects: vector graphic shapes (for example, paths consisting of straight lines and curves), images, and text. A complete description of Scalable Vector Graphics can be found at
Arbortext Editor displays and publishes SVG images with the following limitations:
File Extension
SVG image files must be named with an extension of .svg. Arbortext Editor will not recognize files with other extensions (such as .xml) as valid SVG files.
Inline Markup
Inline SVG markup is not supported. Like other graphic formats Arbortext Editor supports, SVG images are inserted in SGML and XML documents using the appropriate graphic tags (for example, inlinegraphic, mediaobject, and so on).
Height and Width
The top-level tag in the SVG file must have height and width attributes specified as values greater than 0.
Arbortext Editor displays and publishes SVG images (for print) with transparent backgrounds as having white backgrounds. Transparent backgrounds are maintained when publishing for screen display.
Animation and Scripted Behaviour
Arbortext Editor does not support animation and other scripted behavior of SVG images.
External Resources
Arbortext Editor does not support external links in SVG images by default. If your documents have SVG images with external links, then you must set one of the following preferences to allow the links to work.
You can use Arbortext Command Language command setsvgexternalresources ={none|embedded|local|relaxed}. Alternatively, you can click Tools > Preferences > Advanced and select the desired option under preference svgexternalresources. It lists four options:
none – No links to external resources are supported.
embedded – Only embedded external resources are allowed.
local – External resources are allowed only if they are hosted on the local server or are local to the SVG image.
relaxed – All external resources are allowed.
It is recommended to restart Arbortext Editor after changing the preference value. Changing the preference value while a document is open, causes the graphics to reload.
If you are publishing an SVG image to PTC Advanced Print Publisher (PTC APP), then PDFlib network features are enabled only if this preference is set to relaxed. This is applicable only in case of SVG images that have external resources.