Help > Authoring > Applicability > Working with Inline Applicability > Restrict Expressions to Values only in Option Sets
Restrict Expressions to Values only in Option Sets
You can specify that the inline applicability feature must not accept values that are not present in the product’s option sets.
Use the set inlineapplicabilitynamecheck set option as a command or as an advanced preference to specify whether these values are permitted.
For more information, see set inlineapplicabilitynamecheck in the Arbortext Command Language Reference.
Inline applicability expressions are validated at certain points during the creation process. If this option is activated with set inlineapplicabilitynamecheck=on, expressions that use undefined values are not allowed.
For example, if a product’s defined options are cat and mouse, the expression 'cat' OR 'dog' is not allowed. You cannot save this expression in the applicability UI.
Characters that are used in applicability expressions are not legal characters for Windchill Choice values. The following characters are not supported: +, -, /, &, |, !, (, ), and ".