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Glossary of terms for Arbortext Editor:
The alternative name for a document type element, attribute, or attribute value. Aliases are defined in the Alias Map Editor, which creates an .alias map file.
Alias Map Editor
The window in which you can create an alias map for a document type. The Alias Map Editor is located in Arbortext Architect.
alias maps
The files in which the aliases created in the Alias Map Editor are stored. These files have an .alias extension. Once created, you can apply alias maps to document types in Arbortext Editor.
AOM attribute
As used in the Arbortext Object Model, an attribute is a piece of data that may be retrieved from an interface. An attribute may be read-only, meaning that its value may be retrieved, or read-write, meaning that its value may be retrieved or changed. An attribute differs from a method in that retrieving or setting an attribute value causes no change to the state of the interface or the underlying XML document.
AOM interface
As used in the Arbortext Object Model, an interface is a set of attributes and methods. A C++ programmer might describe an interface as an abstract base class.
AOM method
As used in the Arbortext Object Model, a method is a means of causing change in an interface or the underlying XML document. Essentially, a method is a subroutine. By calling a method, the user causes the document to change.
Arbortext Object Model
The Arbortext Object Model is an interface layer intended to make a large portion of ACL functionality available to non-ACL programmers. Significant functionality is provided by support for the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) standard. In addition, the DOM will be extended with additional interfaces, attributes, and methods. The AOM supports bindings to C++, Java, and COM (Component Object Model).
A typographic term describing the height of a lower case letter that extends above the x-height off the baseline. Letters that have ascenders are b, d, f, h, k, l, and t.
American Standard Code for International Interchange. The standard, unformatted 256–character set of letters and numbers.
ASCII file
A common file format composed mainly of the printable ASCII characters. Part of an ASCII file including markup might look like this:
<chapter><chaphead>Arbortext Styler</chaphead><para>
ASCII files do not necessarily contain markup.
A named characteristic associated with a specific occurrence of an element. Attributes provide more information about elements such as uniquely identifying name, status of a document, and so on. In stylesheets, attributes are called characteristics. The relationship between attributes and elements is similar to that between adjectives and nouns. For example, if chair (the noun) was an element, upholstered (an adjective) might be one of its attributes.
attribute list declaration
A list that declares the attributes permitted for elements.
attribute values
The values of attributes. For example, possible values for style attribute of a list element are bulleted, alphabetic or numeric.
A reference which automatically resolves with the correct figure, graphic or table number even if the structure being referenced changes place in the document.
base element
The highest element in the structural hierarchy of the document. The base element contains—or, in a sense, surrounds—all other elements in the document structure. In some cases the name for this element type is doc or document.
An imaginary horizontal line upon which all the characters in a line of type are aligned.
baseline document
When change tracking is turned on, the view of the document that shows the original text and markup, including any changes that have been reviewed and accepted.
best match
The Output Specification defines the rules that control which e-i-c is the best match for an element in a document according to its context and occurrence. The best match for each element determines the formatting for the screen display or print output.
block element
An element that sets off its text from the remainder of the document. A block element is defined by preceding or following space and other formatting elements (like indentation) that indicates its presence.
Named electronic placeholders in a document. There may be an unlimited number in any document.
The drawing of a box around a particular element.
catalog file
(May also be known as catalog). The catalog is a file used by the entity manager to map various logical names to specific storage objects.
A logical grouping of formatting characteristics; some categories are: font, indentation, hyphenation, leading, word spacing, border, etc. The individual FOSI characteristics specify the details of how the each category is applied.
category inheritance
Inheritance of missing characteristics for an inheritable category, for example, font orindentation. Category inheritance is usually applied to block elements.
International Consultative Committee on Telegraphy and Telephony. This committee developed standards for the creation, storage, and transmission of raster graphics such as facsimile.
CDATA is text consisting of characters declared within the document's character set. Embedded entity or character references are treated as data characters and are not resolved by the parser.
Computer Graphics meta file. A device-independent standard for the description, storage, and communication of vector graphics.
change mark
A vertical line or bar that appears in change mark area, triggered by the occurrence of a particular element.
character data
Read the entry for CDATA.
character encoding
The process of converting a sequence of bytes into a sequence of characters. Some examples are ISO-8859-1, which is an encoding for most Western European languages, and UTF-8, which is an encoding for the ISO 10646 character set (UCS).
character entity
Used to represent a character that cannot be displayed on the screen, has a special function, or does not appear on your keyboard. Examples include accent marks, math symbols, and Greek letters.
character fill
The stylesheet category that specifies character to be repeated. It is inserted into output using the usetext repeating category. The most common example is leader dots in tables of contents.
character set
A defined list of characters, each represented by a number, recognized by computers. Some examples are ASCII, which uses 0–127 to represent English characters, and Unicode, which represents over 65,000 unique characters.
A formatting specification in a category. FOSI concept equivalent to attribute. For example, the text break category has characteristics for start line and end line.
charlist inheritance
Inheritance of all missing characteristics in all inheritable categories. Charlist inheritance is used with inline elements and pseudo-elements.
The Output Specification term for a style set in Arbortext Editor. A style set contains one or more formatting categories and can be applied to any number of e-i-cs. When the style set is changed, all e-i-cs that reference it receive the change.
An acronym referring to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages.
The sort order used in an index.
column heading
A row or group of rows which appear at the top of a table and act as titles for the specific information listed below. These heading(s) are repeated at the top of each page of a table, if the table occupies more than one composed page.
column view
An Arbortext Editor view of a document that combines a structural view with a series of rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet, where attribute values can be displayed and edited.
Vertical sections of printed matter.
(Component Object Model) A Microsoft Windows mechanism by which an Application Program Interface (API) can be exported by a server program and used by a client program in the same process or a separate process.
command line
A field displayed at the bottom of the Arbortext Editor Edit window that serves as a communication point to the underlying program for the execution of ACL syntax commands. File operations, menu customizations and creation of keyboard shortcuts are all done here.
A method for inserting helpful information text into a document. Text within a comment is not included in composed or previewed output.
The process by which specific machine-readable files are created in the document type directory, including a minimal stylesheet (.xsl) file.
completeness checking
Verification that a document contains all components required by the document type. The Arbortext EditorCheck Completeness tool provides a list of completeness errors and automatically inserts missing element tags when there is only one possible choice.
The object responsible for composing a document. It is controlled by a set of parameters, and is implemented as a SAX filter pipeline, which is specified using a composer configuration file.
Composer configuration file
An XML document used to define and control a composition process. It conforms to the Composer document type (Arbortext-path/doctypes/composer/composer.dtd). This document includes sections defining composer parameters, filter resources, and processing sequence. Composer configuration files have a .ccf extension.
A FOSI <att> specification that sets the criteria to specify text formatting, usually using the value of an attribute, an ACL function, an environment variable, the returned value of an ACL function, or a FOSI variable value.
To customize the arrangement of software functions, typically performed by a system administrator.
See content reference.
content model
The part of an SGML or XML element type declaration specifying the order and combination of elements, such as which types of elements may contain other elements of specified types.
content reference
A mechanism in the DITA architecture where an element can replace itself with the content of an equivalent element, either in the current topic or in a similar topic that shares the same content model.
The specific location of an element relative to surrounding elements within the overall document structure.
Context is referred to as selector in CSS. The corresponding XSL term is pattern.
context checking
An operation that enforces a set of rules about context — how elements relate to each other (for example, paragraphs appear within chapters, but chapters cannot appear within paragraphs). The document type schema or DTD defines context checking rules for a document type.
context transformations
An element in a .dcf file that enables automatic changes to correct context when elements and text are pasted from one context to another.
References in text to tables, graphics, or other documents. Attributes and attribute values are used to establish a link to the referenced structure.
Cascading Stylesheet. A mechanism for applying style information such as fonts, colors, and spacing to HTML documents, providing a separation between presentation and content. Cascading refers to the fact that a document can merge multiple stylesheets. For example, a document can incorporate stylesheets from the browser, the designer, and the user. Browsers that support HTML versions 3.2 and above also support CSS.
current editor stylesheet
The stylesheet that currently controls display in the edit pane, controls the format of what is printed by the Print Editor View unction, and is acted on by the stylesheet-related items on the Format menu. It is possible to select a stylesheet that was developed for composed printing as the current editor stylesheet. To modify a print stylesheet, you must specify it as the current editor stylesheet.
The current editor stylesheet is also used as the current print stylesheet unless the current print stylesheet has specifically been selected via the Select Stylesheet dialog or the set printstylesheet command.
current print stylesheet
The stylesheet currently selected for the Print Composed View and Print Preview functions. This can be changed using the Select Stylesheet dialog box or the set printstylesheet command. This can also be changed in the Print Preview or Print Composed View dialog boxes.
The current editor stylesheet is also used as the current print stylesheet unless the current print stylesheet has specifically been selected. When the current print stylesheet differs from the current editor stylesheet, the print stylesheet does not affect the print editor view function — the current editor stylesheet drives the formatting of the editor view, including when it is printed. Also note that the composed output can be used for purposes other than creating paper output.
(Distributed Component Object Model) A version of Microsoft Windows COM that supports program links where the client program and the server program are not running on the same machine.
Markup, generally at the start of a document, that provides information about the features used to mark up the document.
declared identifier
ID names or numbers used to identify a particular tag, such as a paragraph or graphic, that will be referred to from somewhere else in the document.
The symbol indicating the beginning or end of a tag, macro, declaration, processing instruction, and so on (for example, in the tag <doc>, the left angle bracket (<) is the beginning delimiter, doc is the element type name, and the right angle bracket (>) is the ending delimiter.
The portion of a lowercase letter that extends below the baseline. These letters have descenders: g, j, p, q, and y.
descriptive markup
Markup describing the structure and other attributes of a document in a system-independent manner (also known as generic markup).
display equation
An equation which appears on its own line.
Darwin Information Typing Architecture. An OASIS standard that defines an architecture for developing topic-oriented, information-typed content that can be reused and single-sourced in a variety of ways. It is also an architecture for creating new information types and describing new information domains based on existing types and domains. The standard provides a set of DTDs and XML Schemas for base topic types, such as concept, task or reference, and for map documents that are used to collect topic references.
Document structure elements, such as chapter, section, topic or subtopic.
Another term for Document Database.
A collection of information processed as a unit, represented as a sequence of characters, and organized physically with an entity structure and logically with an element structure.
document bursting
The process of splitting a document into individual document objects for storage in a content management system. The specification for how to burst documents is maintained separate from the document content.
document context
The interrelationship of document parts, such as the title appearing first inside of a chapter, and the paragraphs inserted after titles, never before them.
document database
A database that lets you store documents of any kind, including text, graphics, scanned images, and other formats. A document database holds document content and document information such as the document's author, subject, and creation date.
document database object
A document, portion of a document, a graphic, or other component of a document that is stored in a document database.
document default
Default formatting specifications for text which are used when no other formatting is specified. In the Output Specification, this is called docdesc.
document map
A structural view of the document.
document structure
The framework of a document, made up of the document elements.
document stylesheet
A stylesheet that is automatically associated with one specific document only, based on its location in the document directory and its name, which matches the name of the specified document.
document type
The name that follows the keyword DOCTYPE in a document type declaration.
document type application
The set of files associated with a document type definition (.dtd). This can include .dcf, .xsl, .fos, .xml, .sgm and several other types of files.
document type configuration file
An XML document used to customize a document type. It conforms to the document type configuration DTD (Arbortext-path/doctypes/dcfdtd/dcfdtd.dtd). Document type configuration files can include sections for overriding default display of elements, adding document types to the New dialog box, and specifying elements to skip during spelling checks. These files are saved as doctype.dcf, and stored in the same directory as the document type.
document type declaration
Declares the overall type of document that is defined (for example, memo, letter, or book). Provides information such as a set of declarations defining the structure of the document and a system or public identifier of the DTD. It is introduced by the reserved name DOCTYPE.
document user list
The list of users that modified a document while change tracking was enabled. The document user list (along with the properties of each user in the list) is saved in the document.
(Document Object Model) A standards-compliant, language-neutral interface for examining and modifying an SGML or XML document.
DOM Document Object
A DOM Object that represents an Arbortext Editor document.
A unique integer identifying a DOM Object in ACL.
DOM Object
A distinct representation of a document or a part of a document, such as a tag pair or a block of text. Also known as a DOM Node. One DOM Object may contain others. For example, a Document may contain elements (tags) which may contain other elements and text.
Document Type Definition. The DTD specifies and defines the vocabulary of the markup for which SGML or XML provides the syntax. A DTD consists of a set of entity, element type, attribute list, and/or notation declarations that are combined to determine the structure of a document. A DTD contains a DTD set that defines the structure of document types and information about the intended meanings (semantics) of the element types defined in the DTD set.
DTD Viewer
An editing tool consisting of a window that displays the structure of a document. Used to insert markup at valid locations.
A FOSI term meaning element-in-context. For example, a title element within a chapter element can have a different e-i-c than a title element within a figure element. The context for title means that each one can be formatted differently according to its location.
Edit pane
The main working area for creating and editing documents in Arbortext Editor, also called the Edit window.
Data components that make up a document. Unlike element types, elements are not abstract.
element type
A class of elements having similar characteristics. All elements of a common type must have the same set of attributes (though each may have different attribute values). They must obey the same restrictions on what types of subsidiary elements or raw data strings they may contain, and in what order.
element type declaration
Declares which element types may appear in any document of a specific document type and declares the order in which the elements may appear.
element type name
The name given to an element type. Element type names appear inside start-tag and end-tag delimiters.
em space
A proportional space as large as the square of the type size (typically as wide as the letter “m,” which is the widest letter in a proportional font. In a 6–point font, an em-space would be 6 points wide; in an 18–point font, it would be eighteen points wide.
A self-contained piece of data that can be referenced as a unit. Entities can contain text, such as a boilerplate, or a DTD set. Entities provide an easy way to incorporate often repeated characters, phrases or paragraphs within a document; or to bring in separate units of information (for example, graphics or external files). Within a system, a single document can be stored in several parts, each in a separate place.
entity declaration
Declares the entities which can be used in a document. In a DTD, a declaration can be identified by the keyword ENTITY. There are two types of entity declarations:
General entities establish substitutions that appear in the document; they store text strings which may or may not contain markup. A general entity is identified by an ampersand (&) as the start delimiter.
Parameter entities define substitutions that occur within a DTD; they often store a string of element names or attribute definitions. A parameter entity is identified by a percent sign (%) as the start delimiter.
entity display
Determines whether defined entities are displayed in the Edit window as tags or text.
entity reference
Entities are connected by references that occur in a document's markup. An entity reference is a request for the entity to be used at a specific point in the document. The entity should have been defined either earlier within the document or externally.
The stylesheet category that increments automatic numbering.
Displaying the content surrounded by tags on screen for full-text editing.
external entity
An entity that exists separately from and external to the declarations that identify it for subsequent reference.
external subset
The DTD set, which is referenced in the document type declaration by that DTD's public or system identifier.
file entity
An external file included in the document by reference.
This is the Output Specification term for what Arbortext Editor calls the Use Value. Fillval uses the value of an attribute in a document as the value of a formatting characteristic or as text. For example, a document attribute could be used in the stylesheet to specify the number of columns, or a pubno attribute could be output as a publication number in a page footer.
A program that processes an input data stream into an output data stream in a well-defined way. It is designed to be used as a stage in a composition pipeline. A pure filter does no other input or output, except possibly on error conditions. Data to be processed in a composition filter is represented as a series of SAX events.
A FOSI characteristic that allows text, graphics, and tables to be moved (floated) to a location other than the location in which they were placed in the original document. The purpose is to reduce white space, and maintain a continuous flow of text.
The active location. If two windows are open, the window with the cursor has focus, and entering commands from the keyboard will affect that window. Pressing Alt changes the focus to the menu bar, so that the arrow keys can be used to select a pulldown menu.
font family
A complete set of characters in a particular typeface.
font scaling
Magnifying or shrinking the size of text or tags on the screen. This setting will not affect document format, only online display.
formatted output
The output from stylesheet formatting. The input file remains unchanged. Formatted output is also called composed output.
Formatting Output Specification Instance. A stylesheet for all documents of a given document type. A FOSI contains formatting information for all elements in a document.
Defines the browser window's appearance when a document displays. A frameset includes the stylesheet, frameset graphics (for example, buttons and bullets), scripts for navigating the site, HTML files, and content-specific graphics.
An internal tree data structure representing the document that defines the output-independent formatting structure. The formatting structures, called ftree nodes, have attributes derived from a stylesheet applied to the document, such as a FOSI.
The DITA process where a specialized information type or domain can be associated with its ancestor information type or domain.
generalized markup
The process of specifying identified elements, such as paragraphs, headings, and so on, without specifying the ultimate presentation of visual function to be performed. Also known as explicit tagging.
generated text
Predefined text that is automatically output by the stylesheet for your document type when the document is published. Generated text can consist of list counters, section numbering, tables of contents, and indexes.
generic identifier
Tag name of an element.
hierarchical structure
A logical framework of subordinate and superior relationships between elements of a document.
The process of breaking a word at the end of a line of text for the purpose of line justification.
In Arbortext Editor, a FOSI category used to specify the horizontal positioning of the left margin, right margin, and first line of a block element.
A sorted list providing alternative access points to information in a document. An index differs from a table of contents or a list of illustrations in the order in which the information is presented. Tables of contents and illustration lists reflect the information as it is presented in the document, while an index gives alternative access points to the information.
index entries
The individual topic-locator pairs which make up an index. The topic is the index access point. On paper, the locator is usually a number which indicates a specific page. Online, the locator is most often a hyperlink.
index group headings
The headings for sections that are put into indexes to increase retrieval efficiency. Examples would include: A-C, Intel 286-Intel 486, and 1-99. Numbers and symbols can be group headings, as well as alphabetic characters.
A way for missing formatting characteristics to be supplied from the parent element. The two types of inheritance are charlist inheritance and category inheritance.
inline element
An element that does not start or end lines. Note that some categories do not apply to inline elements.
inline equation
An equation which appears in the flow of text with no separating vertical space.
An XML term that refers to the document itself, which consists of markup and text.
intelligent graphic
A type of graphic that includes metadata enabling interactivity. Types of interactivity include adding hot spots, user manipulation (for example, rotating or selecting parts of the image), and viewing software generated animations. In Arbortext Editor, intelligent graphics are displayed in an embedded viewer and have an associated toolbar that can be used to change the display of the graphic. Intelligent graphics can also have predefined views stored within the graphic to which you can link. An example of an intelligent graphic is ISO, the graphic format for Arbortext IsoDraw.
internal subset
The part of a document type declaration containing declarations other than those in the external DTD.
internal user table
A table of users and their properties in a session of Arbortext Editor.
The name of the organization, International Organization for Standardization, but not an acronym.
ISO 8879
The standard number assigned to SGML, Standard General Markup Language, by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Java Beans
A specification for a self-describing plug-and-play Java component. Java Beans are not supported in Arbortext Editor.
Java class path
A list of directories that the Java virtual machine uses to search for Java classes.
Java Native Interface (JNI)
A feature of the Java platform for incorporating native code (that is, C, C++) and Java code into an application. Arbortext Editor uses this feature to support its Java interface.
Java primitive data type
The declared (in Java) type of a Java variable. The eight primitive data types are: boolean, byte, char, double, float, int, long, and short.
Java reflection
A Java program that analyzes the capabilities of Java classes and methods at run time.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
A set of programs and files that allow you to run applications written in the Java programming language. Refer to the Arbortext Editor, Arbortext Styler, and Arbortext Architect Release Notes for JRE version information. The Java runtime environment is available from the web at
Arrangement of text and spacing on a line so that the left and right margins for each are aligned.
Conditions for controlling and disallowing the breaking of elements over column or page boundaries.
kern to
Defining a “tab stop” in the FOSI where text is designated to be positioned
Improving the appearance of a character pair by reducing the amount of space between them.
Commands programmed to execute by pressing a key (for example, F1) or key sequence (for example, Ctrl+D).
An eight-bit (one byte) code developed as an extension to ASCII to allow additional characters and symbols.
A repeating character used to lead the eye across a large gap in a line of type, such as leader dots in a table of contents.
The amount of space between the baselines of text lines.
Links are elements that reference destinations in documents and on the Web. Link elements are defined in a document type's .dcf file.
link target
Link targets are locations within the current document or URLs of local or Web-based documents that can be destinations of links. Link target elements are defined in a document type's .dcf file.
local stylesheet
A stylesheet automatically associated with all documents in the same directory of a given document type based on its file name following certain conventions.
marked section
Part of an Arbortext Editor document that is tagged for conditional processing.
Identifiers that SGML, XML, and HTML use to mark the structure of the content of document elements, commonly represented in the Edit window by a tag pair or a singleton tag. It also includes processing instructions.
markup declaration
Statements that control how other markup is to be interpreted. The declarations can be used to define entities and to create the formal structural definition for a document.
Information about data that should be stored but does not generally become part of a document when formatted. Examples might include revision history information or the name of the author.
A selected letter or digit in the label of a dialog item. The system moves the input focus to the dialog item associated with the mnemonic whenever the user either presses the key that corresponds to the mnemonic or presses the Alt+key combination. Mnemonics provide a quick way for the user to move to a given dialog item by using the keyboard.
named colors
Names that can be used as color attribute values in place of numeric RGB values. Valid Arbortext named colors are aqua, black, blue, brown, gray1, gray2, gray3, gray4, gray5, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, red, teal, white, yellow, and violet. (For backward compatibility, gray is considered a synonym for gray3.) Because named colors are optimized differently for display in UNIX and Windows, the default RGB values for some named colors vary between the two platforms.
nonrepeating categories
In a FOSI, categories that can be applied only once for a given element. Nonrepeating categories include, but are not limited to, font, leading, and hyphenation. If a nonrepeating category is specified more than once, the last value specified is used.
notation (or notation declaration)
When content is not made up of standard data characters, a notation declaration tells the processing system how to process that content. It declares which items may be used in documents, while retaining their unique notation.
The occurrence of an element within its parent can be used to provide different formatting. Arbortext Editor supports first, last, notfirst, notlast, middle, one, only, and all occurrences. Each occurrence may have unique formatting from the other occurrences. For example, the first paragraph after a title could have no indent while all other paragraphs within the parent element could be indented.
In typography, the situation where the first line of a paragraph begins at the bottom of a page, with the rest of the paragraph appearing at the top of the following page.
In a FOSI, the number of lines to keep together at the bottom of a column.
Outspec DTD
A DTD for FOSI stylesheets based on the Output Specification (OS) MIL-PRF-28001C.
A component of the Equation Editor which contains reusable versions of commonly used symbols and functions. It can be customized according to each user's preference.
parameter file entity
An external file entity. Allows referencing of a file of entity declarations or references to other files of entity declarations.
A computer program that either reads or assumes an SGML or XML declaration, then reads the document type to learn specific rules of markup, and then determines if the document conforms.
paste buffer
An area of temporary electronic storage where cut or copied text and/or markup is stored. In some software products, this area is called the clipboard.
Parsed Character Data. Text that the parser checks to ensure that any embedded markup has been resolved.
Portable Document Format. An Adobe file format that allows cross-platform viewing of formatted documents using an application such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. PDF files retain the source document's formatting, including fonts, color, and graphics.
Page Description Language. A programming language to describe the display appearance of a page containing text, graphics, and a sample image. Used to communicate a high level, device-independent description of a document between a composition system and a display system.
pending change
When change tracking is turned on, any addition or deletion of text or markup that is tracked, and may be either accepted or rejected.
persistent file names
Names that can be consistently assigned to sections within a document when composing documents for the Web. The names used during composing are determined by the Arbortext Styler stylesheet or from processing instruction tags inserted at each document section. When documents are published, each section is saved as an HTML file.
A typographic unit often used to express vertical measure. The are 12 points to a pica.
A sequence of filters that performs a task in several steps. Each filter takes inputs and produces outputs that get passed to the next filter (or filters in the case of branching) in the pipeline. The pipeline is configured by a composer configuration document (.ccf). A running filter pipeline is a closed system with a well defined input (source) and a well defined output (sink).
A very small typographic unit typically used for font-related measures. In Arbortext Editor, one inch equals 72.27 points.
The amount of vertical space added after an element in addition to its leading.
Asis formatting that respects line breaks and spaces in original source.
In a FOSI, the amount of vertical space added before an element in addition to its leading.
processing instructions
Instructions to the processing system, in its own language, to perform an action. Unlike other kinds of markup, processing instructions are system-dependent and usually application-dependent. They usually need to be changed if the document is processed differently (for example, formatted in a different style) or processed on a different system that may ignore the processing instructions.
The applicable target audience or the specific application for a given component (for example, novice or Windows). An applied profile is one that has been assigned to an element.
profile class
The generic name given to a category of profiles (for example, user level or operating system). Use profile classes to group related profiles.
proportional font
A font in which different letters have different widths.
In a FOSI, an element-in-context for which there is no corresponding element in the document type. Pseudo-elements can be classified as formatting pseudo-elements or programming pseudo-elements.
public identifier
A publicized character string, in a specific format, that identifies an entity or notation for common use on many diverse systems.
In FOSIs, the repeating category which controls automatic output of graphics from an element.
The horizontal alignment of blocks of text relative to the margins. The four types of quadding supported are flush left, flush right, ragged left, and ragged right. FOSI quadding values can be overridden in XML documents with elements using the xml:space attribute.
Similar to a bookmark, except that quickmarks are not named and there is a limit of one per document at a time.
Replaceable character data, which means it contains text and entities only.
reference identifiers
ID reference names used to indicate a tag ID used elsewhere. When cross-referencing, for example, Arbortext Editor uses the tag declared identifier (ID) to locate the specified tag ID. Arbortext Editor matches the referenced identifier names to the appropriate tag.
A region is a rectangular area on a page defined by the region element. A region appears in composed output such as print or PDF, and it's defined as part of the page layout in a FOSI or an XSL-FO stylesheet. Its attributes specify characteristics such as content, size, position, and orientation. In a FOSI, a region can be defined as part of a pagespec or rectopg, versopg, rectobb, versobf, and blankpg. In XSL-FO, a region is defined as one of the region objects, such as fo:region-start and fo:region-end.
regular expressions
Used during searches, these are special characters which serve as wildcards for text strings which possess common properties.
relationship table
A specialized table in a DITA Map used to identify related topics.
See relationship table.
repeating categories
In a FOSI, categories that can be specified more than once Repeating categories include, but are not limited to, use text, save text, ruling and enumeration.
repository adapter framework
A software layer which implements behavior that is common across multiple content management system (CMS) adapters. Individual adapters provide their specific functions and features by extending the framework.
resolved document
An intermediate XML document produced from a DITA Map containing all of the content referenced in the map. The resolved document can be used for operations such as spell checking, find/replace, and stylesheet development.
Resource Manager
An Arbortext Editor dialog containing tabs that enable you to insert new content or modify existing content in DITA documents. The Resource Manager enables you to insert topic references, content references, images, links or cross references, and so forth.
RGB specification
A string of 3 hexadecimal numbers specifying the red, green, and blue (RGB) intensity values defining a color. Each value is a two digit hexadecimal number in the range 0 to FF (decimal 0 to 255), where 0 is the minimum intensity (0 or 0%) and FF the maximum intensity (255 or 100%). For example, #00AAFF specifies a color that has a red component of 00 (0 or 0%), green component of AA (170 or 66.67%), and a blue component of FF (255 or 100%).
row-major order
In tables, row-major order means starting with the upper-left cell in a table and proceeding horizontally from left to right. At the end of the row, the next cell is the left-most cell of the row below, and then continuing from left to right. The last cell is the lower-right cell of the table.
sample document
Also called a demo document. This is a document based on your document type that contains both markup and text.
save text
In FOSIs, the repeating category that saves element content, attribute values, or generated text for output elsewhere in your document.
Simple API for XML. SAX is an event-based API. As such, it reports parsing events (such as the start and end of elements) directly to the application through callbacks. The application does not manipulate an external tree. Rather it implements handlers to deal with the different events, such as startDocument and startElement.
A variant of CDATA, SDATA deliberately allows system-dependent escape codes. This has two effects:
as a warning to users that this data probably is not portable
the “S” tells the parser this data might require a different process.
The line crossing at the end of a stroke in a specific font. Some font families are serif fonts; others are Sans serif.
Standard Generalized Markup Language; an international standard for marking up document contents independent of format. In this way it is free of system and processing dependencies making it a portable markup language.
shortcut menu
Accessed from a right-click of the mouse, this abbreviated menu contains frequently used operations specific to the current cursor position.
A filter in a composition pipeline that produces output (such as a DOM document or HTML file) outside of the pipeline. A pure sink does not generate SAX output. Also referred to as a serializer.
small caps
Capital letters that are closer in size to the x-height of a font than to the size of initial capitals.
The DITA process for creating new information types and describing new information domains based on existing types and domains.
This is the Output Specification term for what Arbortext Editor calls a Test Value. A Test Value tests the value of an attribute in a document to determine what attribute to apply. For example, a FOSI can test whether an attribute is set to draft or final and adjust line spacing accordingly.
structural editing
Editing (for example, inserting, changing, or deleting) the document tags that make up the structure of a document.
structured editor
An editor program that supplies begin and end tags that nest inside each other thus enabling enforcement of context rules.
Text formatting applied to an identified element. In FOSI terms, this is an e-i-c.
A font (or inline) style controls text appearance characteristics such as font family, posture, or weight. A paragraph (or block) style controls pre- and post-space parameters. A style includes a "context", a set of properties that it is based on, and possibly additional local style settings (for example, settings in an e-i-c's charlist).
style type
A property of a style whose value is either "paragraph" or "character". A paragraph style is any style that forces a line break (or column or page break) before or after, or in FOSI terms, is "block-producing". Inline styles are "character type", and result in changes directly to letters and symbols.
A collection of style settings that governs the appearance of a document. Generic types of stylesheets used in Arbortext Editor include application, document, local, current editor, and current print.
stylesheet ID processing instruction
A processing instruction (PI) in a FOSI or XSL stylesheet that defines the stylesheet's title and the composition types to which it applies. The composition type determines which composition dialog boxes the stylesheet can be selected in, and the title by which it is displayed in the dialog box. The PI is located after the DOCTYPE declaration, but before the first document element.
In XSL files, it takes the form:
<?APT StylesheetID Title="title" CompositionTypes="..."?>
In FOSIs, it takes the form:
<APT StylesheetID Title="title" CompositionTypes="...">
A non-repeating stylesheet category in a FOSI which controls whether element content will be output in a document.
symbolic parameter
A substitutable parameter in alias definitions. For example, $1 means the first parameter on an alias invocation.
A graphical representation of the string of markup characters used primarily to identify the type and extent of elements.
tag pair
Icons representing markup, consisting of a start and end tag. Text and additional tags can be inserted between tag pairs.
A predefined set of element tags used to build a document. The document type selected determines the kinds of templates that can be used as the basis for document structure. The initial document from which authors create a new document. Provides all the basic required tagging for the finished document.
test document
A sample document in Arbortext Architect. When testing a document type, you will be able to edit test documents. You can use these files to insert elements and text and to build a document based on your document type.
test value
Tests the value of an attribute in a document to determine what attribute to apply. For example, a FOSI can test whether an attribute is set to draft or final and adjust line spacing accordingly.
text entity
Used to represent a text passage or phrase. Text entities are especially useful in the case of repeatedly-used phrases or text—such as a company name—or a phrase that may change—such as a product name or version number.
An online feature providing definitions, synonyms and antonyms for selected words.
topic reference
A mechanism in the DITA architecture where a topic or other resource is referenced from a DITA Map. Topic references can contain other topic references, enabling the development of hierarchies for navigation or tables of contents.
See topic reference.
A filter in a composition pipeline that receives SAX input and drives SAX output. Once its initial state has been set, a pure transformer receives no other input data and has no side effects outside of the pipeline. Most filters in a pipeline are transformers.
A world-wide character encoding standard based on a 16-bit unit, and the international character set based on this standard, as described in ISO/EIC 10646 UCS-2.
An operating software system developed and trademarked by AT&T Information Systems and used on computer systems designed for many different applications. It is a recognized industry standard.
Uniform Resource Identifier. The generic set of all names and addresses that refer to objects (typically on the Internet). The most common kinds of URIs are URLs.
Uniform Resource Locator. A draft standard for specifying the location of an object or server on the Internet. Example URLs would be:
For more information on URL support in Arbortext products, see Opening, Referencing, and Saving Files.
use text
In a FOSI, a repeatable category used to specify generated text in an e-i-c.
use value
Uses the value of an attribute in a document as the value of a formatting characteristic or as text. For example, a document attribute could be used in the stylesheet to specify the number of columns, or a pubno attribute could be output as a publication number in a page footer.
user dictionary
A file containing words not in the Arbortext Editor dictionary which is accessed in addition to other sources of information for the spell-checker. These are usually created to contain a custom vocabulary, or to contain data specific to an organization or location.
vector graphics
The presentation or storage of images as sequences of line segments.
A predefined version of an intelligent graphic that is stored within the graphic. An intelligent graphic can have several views defined in its graphics file.
virtual HTML document
A document converted from an Ftree into an internal Arbortext Editor document conforming to the html DTD. You can use ACL commands to manipulate this document before it is output.
World Wide Web Consortium. An international industry consortium founded in 1994 to develop common protocols that support the evolution of the World Wide Web and ensure its interoperability. The W3C's Web site is
web-friendly graphic format
A graphic format that can be displayed by a web browser. Examples of web-friendly graphic formats include JPEG and PNG.
web-safe colors
A palette of 216 colors which make up the actual palettes used within browsers. This palette is optimized for cross-platform use. Using colors from this palette ensures that colors in published documents will render the same in these browsers on all platforms supporting a minimum of 256 displayed colors. (Some variances may occur due to the differences in the ways monitors render colors.)
Abbreviation for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning", a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaborate by editing and managing files on remote web servers. See for an introduction to WebDAV.
Windows Arbortext Publishing Engine and Arbortext Editor users can open, edit and save WebDAV documents. To use the Arbortext Editor WebDAV capabilities, the servers you are accessing must be WebDAV enabled. For example, IIS is WebDAV enabled when installed. Apache is WebDAV enabled when ModDAV is installed.
In typography, the situation where the last line or word of a paragraph appears at the top of a page, with the first part of the paragraph appearing at the bottom of the previous page.
In a FOSI, the number of lines to keep at the top of a column.
Wireless Markup Language. The document type used to describe pages for small wireless devices such as cellular phones with browsers. For more information, refer to
The height of the lower-case letter x in a given font.
Xalan is the XSLT processing engine produced by the Apache project.
eXtensible Markup Language. A restricted form of SGML designed to be served, received, and processed on the Web.
XML namespace
A mechanism for distinguishing element and attribute names used in XML documents by associating them with specific URIs.
A variation of the eXtensible Stylesheet Language that is used to create stylesheets which contain formatting objects. XSL-FO stylesheets define a layout model and a vocabulary for expressing that model, and are used to create print and PDF documents.
eXtensible Stylesheet Language. A language used to create stylesheets that apply structure transformations and formatting to XML data. It consists of an XSLT transformation language and a set of target Formatting Objects (FO).
A variation of the eXtensible Stylesheet Language that is used to create stylesheets that contain transformation rules for XML documents. XSLT stylesheets transform the content of an XML document into another XML document or an HTML document.