Arbortext Command Language > Functions by Alphabetical Listing > java_static_modal
ret = java_static_modal(class, method[, arg1[, arg2[, arg3[, ...arg20]]]])
This function is identical to the java_static function except that Arbortext Editor creates a new thread for the Java call and puts itself in a mode as if a modal dialog box is displayed. The primary advantage to this function is that the Arbortext Editor window will be able to refresh while the Java call is running. The disadvantage of this function is that it is significantly slower than using the java_static function.
This function executes Java code by calling the static method called method within class and passing it the provided arguments arg1, arg2, arg3, and so on. Up to 20 arguments can be passed to the called method. The value returned by the java_static function is the returned value from the called method.
The called method must be a static method. Use the java_instance function to call instance methods and the java_constructor function to call a constructor.
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