Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > The Arbortext Publishing Engine Sub-Process > Arbortext Publishing Engine Document Conversion > Loading a Document for Conversion > Checking Graphic References
Checking Graphic References
After the input file has been opened or imported, you can apply optional processing to check for graphic reference errors or to improve graphic handling by setting the failure-mode parameter to one of the following values:
linkcheck value directs the conversion processor to scan the loaded document looking for graphic and entity references that point to unknown files. If any are found, the conversion process returns an XHTML document listing the errors. If no errors are found, processing continues normally.
The localgraphics value includes linkcheck processing. Then it instructs the conversion processor to copy all remote graphics to a local directory and adjust the graphic references to point to the local files. The local copies will be discarded at the end of the conversion operation.
Specifying failure-mode=localgraphics can improve performance by reducing the number of times a graphic is retrieved from an external server during the publishing process. This improvement is only realized during the course of a single publishing operation; there is no caching of graphic files between conversion requests.