Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > Software Copyright Information > About This Guide
About This Guide
Arbortext Publishing Engine is a server program that performs XML document manipulation and publishing for requests submitted by web clients, including Arbortext Editor. This documentation is intended for programmers creating custom applications to run on the Arbortext Publishing Engine server. Among its capabilities are:
Reading SGML and XML documents into memory
Importing Microsoft Word, Adobe FrameMaker, RTF, HTML, PDF, and text documents into memory as XML documents
Applying XSL stylesheets to XML documents, transforming them into other XML documents
Publishing XML documents to a variety of output formats, including PostScript, PDF, HTML, HTML Help, Web, and RTF.
Retrieving documents from and saving documents to content management repositories.
Arbortext Publishing Engine provides publishing services to Arbortext Editor users. Arbortext Editor can be configured to send documents to the Arbortext Publishing Engine, and these documents can be imported from or published to non-XML input or output formats. The publishing processing is performed on the Arbortext Publishing Engine server, which returns the result to the Arbortext Editor client.
The basic capabilities of Arbortext Publishing Engine can be extended by custom applications written in Arbortext Command Language (ACL), Java, JavaScript, and VBScript. A programmer would use the information in this manual in combination with the information found in the Programmer's Reference and the Arbortext Command Language Reference.