Release Notes > Updates in Release > What’s New in Arbortext Publishing Engine
What’s New in Arbortext Publishing Engine
Arbortext Publishing Engine
New java selection tool
A new Arbortext Java Selection Tool is added in Arbortext Publishing Engine, which allows users to choose a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to be used when calling Java classes from Arbortext Publishing Engine.
This tool is available under Tools > Administrative Tools. See Java Selection Tool Dialog Box for more information.
It can also be opened when installing Arbortext Publishing Engine by selecting the checkbox Run Java Selection dialog after setup.
Note that the set javavmpath command and the environment variable APTJAVAVMPATH are now deprecated. Users are encouraged to use the Arbortext Java Selection Tool to set the JVM path.
Graphics applications updated
The graphics applications included with Arbortext Publishing Engine and Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive have been updated:
The Creo View and pview_batch installation has been updated to 10.0.
The Arbortext IsoView and IsoConvert installation has been updated to 7.4.1.
Font Metrics generation in installation
The mechanism to deploy fonts is changed in Arbortext Publishing Engine The font metrics are now generated when installing Arbortext Publishing Engine. This may result in slightly slower installation process.