Tutorial > Working with DITA Maps > Using Column View > Showing and Hiding the Columns
Showing and Hiding the Columns
For this exercise, use the businessMeetings.ditamap document you developed in the previous exercises.
Besides the Outline column, Column view has two other types of columns that you can use to modify the attributes of a tag in the map. When you edit a DITA map, only the Outline column is displayed by default.
Follow these steps to display the other columns:
1. In businessMeetings.ditamap, click on the Show Multiple Columns button This graphic shows the Show Multiple Columns button. at the right edge of the Outline column.
The rest of the columns are displayed:
This graphic shows the map with all columns displayed.
2. Click on the Show Single Column button This graphic shows the Show Multiple Columns button. to hide the columns.
3. Right click on the Outline column title bar to display the related shortcut menu:
This graphic shows the Column view title bar shortcut menu.
4. Deselect the Show Single Column menu choice.
The columns are displayed again.
You can use either the buttons or the shortcut menu to show and hide the columns.
For more information, refer to the Column View Heading Shortcut Menu topic in the Arbortext Editor help.