Tutorial > Working with DITA Maps > Using Column View > Rearranging the Map Structure
Rearranging the Map Structure
For this exercise, use the businessMeetings.ditamap document you developed in the previous exercises.
You use the Column view Outline column to rearrange the structure of a DITA map. Arbortext Editor provides the DITA Map toolbar to assist you with changing the map hierarchy. You can also use drag and drop to modify the hierarchy.
Follow these steps to add hierarchy to the businessMeetings.ditamap document:
1. Place the Column view cursor on the line under the Preparing for a Meeting topic:
This graphic shows the correct cursor placement in the map.
2. Click the Move Element Up button This graphic shows the Move Element Up button. on the DITA Map toolbar.
The Preparing for a Meeting topic moves up one spot in the map hierarchy.
3. Place the Column view cursor on the line under the Meeting Agenda topic.
4. Click the Demote Element button This graphic shows the Demote Element button. on the DITA Map toolbar.
The Meeting Agenda topic becomes a child of the Preparing for a Meeting topic:
This graphic shows the demoted topic in the map.
5. Click on the icon This graphic shows the Element icon. next to the Parts of Meeting Minutes topic to select that topic reference:
This graphic shows the selected topic in the map.
6. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the topic above the Meeting Agenda topic:
This graphic shows the drop location in the map.
7. Drop the topic.
The Parts of Meeting Minutes topic also becomes a child of the Preparing for a Meeting topic:
This graphic shows the second demoted topic in the map.
8. Save businessMeetings.ditamap.
For more information, refer to the DITA Map Toolbar and Column View Cursor topics in the Arbortext Editor help.