Tutorial > Working with DITA Topics > Adding Index Terms
Adding Index Terms
For this exercise, you will need the prodMeetings.dita document you created in the previous exercises.
DITA index terms are enclosed in the indexterm tag. You author secondary and tertiary index terms by nesting additional indexterm tags inside of the primary tag. The indexterm tag also contains additional tags such as index-see and index-see-also that enable you to add see, see also, and other indexing constructs.
You can add index terms to many DITA tags in the body of a topic. However, for index terms that apply to an entire topic you should add the index terms to the topics prolog tag.
Follow these steps to add some index terms to the prodMeetings.dita document:
1. Open prodMeetings.dita in Arbortext Editor.
2. Enter the following text in the indexterm tag:
3. Insert another indexterm tag in the first indexterm tag to make a secondary index term.
4. Enter the following text in the secondary indexterm tag:
practices for productive meetings
5. Save prodMeetings.dita.
The completed prolog should look like this:
This graphic shows the completed index terms.