Tutorial > Working with DITA Topics > Using the Resource Manager > Using the Resource Manager to Modify a Reference
Using the Resource Manager to Modify a Reference
For this exercise, you will need the schedMeetings.dita document you created in the previous exercises. You will also need access to your Arbortext Editor installation folder.
In addition to the standard Resource Manager, an undocked version of the Resource Manager is available through the Modify Attributes dialog box. You use this version of the Resource Manager to modify existing references in your DITA topics.
Follow these steps to change the image in the schedMeetings.dita document:
1. If necessary, open schedMeetings.dita in Arbortext Editor.
2. Place the cursor inside of the image tag in the postreq tag.
3. Choose Edit > Modify Attributes.
The Modify Attributes dialog box opens.
4. Click on the modify reference button This graphic shows the modify reference button. next to the href attribute:
This graphic shows the href attribute.
The Modify Attributes - Resource Manager opens with just the Image tab available.
5. If necessary, use the Modify Attributes - Resource Manager browser to navigate to the graphics folder in the Arbortext Editor installation folder.
6. Select the dtduck3.gif image in the browser and click the Modify button.
The Resource Manager modifies the value of the href attribute to the new image and closes.
7. Click OK to close the Modify Attributes dialog box.
The image in your document is changed to the new image:
This graphic shows the modified image.
8. Save schedMeetings.dita.
For more information, refer to the Resource Manager Overview and Image Tab for Modifying Attributes topics in the Arbortext Editor help.