Tutorial > Authoring with Arbortext Editor > Saving Your Document as HTML
Saving Your Document as HTML
For this exercise, use the Arbortext XML DocBook document you modified in the previous exercise.
Arbortext Editor enables you to save your document as an HTML file, which can be displayed in a web browser.
This feature is not available for DITA documents.
Follow these steps to save your document as an HTML file:
1. Choose File > Save as HTML.
The Save as HTML File dialog box opens.
2. Type myhtml in the File name field, navigate to an appropriate save location, and click the Save button.
The dialog box closes. Arbortext Editor saves your document as an HTML file and opens the file in your default web browser. A folder is also created to hold the graphics associated with the file.
For more information, refer to the Saving a Document as an HTML file topic in the Arbortext Editor help.