Tutorial > Authoring with Arbortext Editor > Checking Spelling
Checking Spelling
For this exercise, use the Arbortext XML DocBook document you modified in the previous exercise.
Arbortext Editor automatically checks your document for spelling errors as you type and marks any suspect words with a red wavy line. Arbortext Editor also automatically corrects a limited set of misspelled words and similar errors. In addition to the automatic spell checking, you can also explicitly check a selected portion of a document, or the entire document, for spelling errors.
Follow these steps to check the spelling in your document:
1. Choose Tools > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box opens.
2. Select the Spelling category icon.
3. Make sure the Check Spelling as you type spelling preference is on and click OK to close the dialog box.
4. Place your cursor in a para tag, and enter the misspelled word bok.
The misspelled word will have a red wavy line under it.
5. Right mouse click on the misspelled word to get a shortcut menu with alternative words.
6. Choose book from the menu.
bok is replaced by book in your document.
7. Enter another misspelled word in the para tag and select the contents of the tag.
8. Choose Tools > Spelling.
The Spelling dialog box opens when Arbortext Editor detects a spelling error.
9. From the list of Suggestions, click on the correct word and choose Change to correct the misspelled word.
Arbortext Editor displays a status message with details about the spell check operation.
10. Click OK to close the status message and the Spelling dialog box.
For more information, see Spelling and Autocorrection Checks.