Tutorial > The Arbortext Editor Environment > Getting Help
Getting Help
Before performing this exercise, open the Arbortext XML DocBook V4.0 sample document in Arbortext Editor.
Arbortext Editor provides online help through the Arbortext Help Center. The Help Center contains all of the documentation for Arbortext Editor and its associated product options. The Help Center also contains the documentation for other Arbortext products. However, when you invoke the Help Center as online help for a particular product, only the documentation associated with that product is displayed in the Help Center.
Follow these steps to get help:
1. Choose Help > Arbortext Editor.
The Arbortext Help Center appears displaying the Arbortext Editor online help.
2. Enter keyboard shortcuts into the search field and click the Search button.
The Help Center displays your search results in the SearchThis graphic shows the Help Center Search tab icon. tab. Note that the search terms are highlighted in the title and excerpt displayed in the search results.
3. Select the Keyboard shortcuts overview topic in the search results list.
The Help Center displays the topic. Note that the search terms are also highlighted in the topic. By default, search terms are highlighted and linked together in a help topic displayed from the search results. You can use the TAB key or click on the highlighted search terms to navigate through occurrences of the search terms in the topic.
4. Click on the Show in Table of ContentsThis graphic shows the Help Center show in table of contents icon. toolbar button.
The Help Center opens the Table of Contents tab with the Keyboard shortcuts overview topic highlighted in the table of contents.
5. Select the Keyboard shortcuts topic below the Keyboard shortcuts overview topic.
The Help Center displays the Keyboard shortcuts topic.
6. Close the Arbortext Help Center.
For more information, refer to the Arbortext Help Center help. You can access the Help Center help by clicking Help > Help Center.