Tutorial > The Arbortext Editor Environment > Viewing Cursor Changes
Viewing Cursor Changes
Before performing this exercise, open the Arbortext XML DocBook V4.0 sample document in Arbortext Editor.
The Arbortext Editor cursor changes appearance based on the location of the cursor in the Document Map and Edit view. Follow these steps to view some of the cursor changes:
1. Use the arrow keys to navigate through the Document Map.
The cursor will change its shape depending on its location.
2. Move the cursor to the left of a para tag.
The I-beam cursor This graphic shows the I-beam cursor. indicates that you can enter text and possibly other tags.
3. Type the following text: Inserting text into my document using the Document Map.
As you type, a new para tag is added automatically to accommodate the new text.
4. Move the cursor to the end of a chapter tag.
The cursor appears as a double-headed arrow This graphic shows the double arrow cursor. indicating that no text insertion is allowed at this location.
5. Type your name.
A message will appear on the status bar, warning you that inserting text is not allowed.
6. Click outside of the Arbortext Editor window.
The cursor changes to the inactive cursor This graphic shows the inactive cursor. indicating that the window is not active.
For more information, refer to the The Cursor topic in the Arbortext Editor help.