Help > Authoring > Fundamental Tasks > Understanding the Edit Window > Navigating the Document > The Document Map > Document Map Icons > Selecting Elements in the Document Map
Selecting Elements in the Document Map
The table below describes the results of using the mouse to single-click or double-click the icons in the Document Map.
Single Click
Double Click
This is an image of a plus sign in a square.
Expand one level
Expand all levels
This is an image of a minus sign in a square.
Collapse one level
Collapse all levels
Element name
Synchronize views
Attribute name or value
Open Modify Attributes dialog box
This is an image of a rectangle with text lines in it.
Select element
This is an image of a grid with a blue header.
Select table
This is an image of a square root sign with an alpha symbol in it.
Select equation
This is an image of a yellow triangle, a red square, and a white circle.
Select graphic
This is an image of a yellow file cabinet.
Select File Entity
This is an image of a yellow check mark.
Select Ignore Marked Section
This is an image of a blue check mark in a square.
Select Data Marked Section
This is an image of a yellow landscape page with the top-right corner turned down.
Select Comment
This is an image of a yellow-filled start tag and a magnifying glass with an A in it on top of the start tag.
Toggle showing of Attribute lines