Help > Arbortext Editor Overview > Using Arbortext Publishing Engine for Publishing Documents > Using the set Options for Arbortext PE server > Logging Requests Sent to Publishing Engine
Logging Requests Sent to Publishing Engine
When using Arbortext Publishing Engine, you send many requests from Arbortext Editor to Arbortext Publishing Engine. For example, request to establish a connection between Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine or request to publish a document and so on. You can log all such requests in a log file.
To enable logging, open <Editor/PE_Home>\lib\resources\log4j2.xml. There is an existing logger configured with the name AUDIT_LOGGER. You can change the log level in the AUDIT_LOGGER to enable logging. Following levels are allowed:
INFO – logs only the type of request sent
TRACE - logs detailed information of the requests including the parameters and headers of the request
The log file is created at Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\PTC\Arbortext\Editor\audit.log.
The log file is recreated on each new session of Arbortext Editor.