Help > Authoring > Table of Contents and Index > Adding See and See Also References in an Index
Adding See and See Also References in an Index
See References
The lowest-level element contained in an indexterm element can be followed by a single see element or one or more seealso elements. See references are indicators that redirect the user from one index entry to a related entry. See references are coded as:
<indexterm><primary>Main entry</primary>
<see>Other main entry</see></indexterm>

<indexterm><primary>Other main entry</primary></indexterm>
Notice that you must also create an entry for the subject being pointed to. The elements for this entry would reside in the document at the location of the Other main entry. This is not done automatically. The resulting output is:
Main entry, see Other main index entry
The see text is automatically generated in the index. See references do not have generated page numbers or hypertext links to a document location. You code an entry to have either a see reference or to have a page number, not both. If code for both exists, the reference will not appear in the index.