Spelling preferences
The Spelling category in the Preferences dialog box sets the following spelling options:
• Language — Provides a list of language dictionaries to use when checking spelling, including medical or legal dictionaries.
• User Dictionary Path — Displays the user dictionary path name, if any.
• Ignore repeated words — Determines whether the same word occurring twice in succession, such as the the, is ignored during spell checking.
• Ignore internet and file addresses — Determines whether internet addresses (content starting with with http://, https://, file://, ftp://, and mailto:), absolute file paths (content that begins with /, \\, or X:\), and E-mail addresses are ignored during spell checking.
• Ignore numerals and Roman numerals — Determines whether all Arabic and Roman numerals are ignored during spell checking.
• Ignore words with numbers — Determines whether words containing combinations of alphabetic and numeric characters, such as ten4 or dos2unix, are ignored during spell checking.
• Flag suspect sentence capitalization — Determines whether words following a terminal punctuation mark (such as a period) that are not capitalized or uncapitalized words following abbreviations are flagged during spell checking.