Help > Authoring > Dialog Boxes > Edit Window > Tools Dialog Boxes > Preferences Dialog Boxes > File Locations Preferences
File Locations Preferences
The File Locations category in the Preferences dialog box sets the paths for several preferences that can be set to a list of paths. For most of the preferences in this category, you use the Edit Preference dialog box to modify the list of file locations. You open this dialog box by clicking on the This is an image of a button containing ellipses. button next to the preference you want to modify.
You can set the following file locations paths:
Catalogs — Specifies the list of directories to search for catalog files.
A catalog resolves public identifiers for both entities and document types. The default path is the doctypes subdirectory.
GraphicsSpecifies the list of directories to search for graphic files that are not specified by absolute path name or path name relative to the current directory.
There is no limit to the number of directories you can specify; however, the maximum number of characters allowed in Graphics is 4095.
The initial setting is the value of the APTGRPATH environment variable if set. Otherwise, it defaults to the graphics subdirectory of Arbortext-path. If a graphics subdirectory exists in either the Arbortext-path\application or Arbortext-path\custom directories, that subdirectory is also part of the default graphics path. Use %D to refer to the Arbortext-path\graphics directory and any graphics subdirectory in the Arbortext-path\custom directory.
Any base URI and the document's parent directory (if different from the base URI) are included by default in the directories searched for graphics. When any set graphicspath directory parameter is set to a value of %^, the parent document directory will not be included when searching for graphics. Only the paths specified will be searched. If you want to include the current working directory in the graphics path, add a period ( . ) to the list of directories. However, it is recommended that you do not include the current working directory in your graphics path list, as this can cause inconsistent results.
Entities — Specifies the list of directories to search for file entity files that are not specified by an absolute path name or path name relative to the current directory.
You must add each directory, as Arbortext Editor does not automatically search subdirectories of listed directories.
Directories listed in the Entities option can be a file:// or http:// URL, as well as a file path. There is no limit to the number of directories you can specify. However, the maximum number of characters allowed in the Entities path is 4095.
By default, the document directory and the current working directory are searched for entity files. However, you can specify a value of %^ to ignore the parent document directory and the current working directory when searching for an entity file. Only the paths specified will be searched.
Browser — Specifies the path and file name for the default HTML web browser Arbortext Editor will use.
If a file association to a web browser is set on Windows, Arbortext Editor automatically detects it. Note that the button next to this preference opens the Open dialog box where you can locate the desired browser.
DITA References — Specifies the list of directories to search to locate content referenced from DITA documents.
This option is used when editing DITA documents. The DITA references path is used when a reference is not specified as either an absolute path name or a path name relative to the current document directory. The DITA references resolved by this variable include topic references, content references, links, cross references, and any other DITA element that references content. The only exception to this are graphic references, that are resolved using the Graphics path.
The initial setting is the value of the APTDITAPATH environment variable if set. Otherwise, it defaults to the Arbortext-path\doctypes\ditamap\ditamapsample directory. Separate each directory in the DITA references path by a semicolon. You can use symbolic parameters in the DITA references path.
The document directory and the base URI for the current element, if different, are included by default before any directories on the DITA references path to resolve relative references. When any set ditapath directory parameter is set to a value of %^, the document directory and the base URI for the current element will not be included when searching for graphics. Only the paths specified will be searched.
Document types, graphics, and entities can be located in subdirectories of Arbortext-path\custom. The custom subdirectory paths are automatically prepended to the default paths.