Help > DITA Authoring Overview > Updating DITA References
Updating DITA References
Arbortext Editor enables you to update all of the references in a DITA document. The update references operation performs the following updates:
Checks and updates (if necessary) the attributes on DITA elements that reference other documents to ensure those references are up-to date
This includes the href, type, format, scope, and navtitle attributes. Note that this feature does not update the keyref or conkeyref attributes. Also note that the navtitle attribute is not applicable in case of DITA 2.0 documents.
Changes absolute file paths to relative paths (if possible) based on the current base URI, the DITA document directory, and any folders included in the DITA references path and graphics path
Updates link preview text
You can update references for either a DITA topic or map through the Tools > Update References menu choice. You can also select part of a DITA topic or map and just have the update references operation performed on that part of the map through the Tools > Update Selected References menu choice. You can just update the reference for a single element in a DITA topic or map by right clicking on the element and selecting Update Reference from the Edit window shortcut menu.
For a DITA topic, the update references operation is only performed on the topic. For a DITA map, the update references operation is performed not only on the map but also on any other DITA maps or topics that are referenced from the map. DITA content referenced from DITA maps that are referenced from the original map is also included in the update references operation.
When the update references operation starts, the message Updating references: checking document, n elements checked is displayed in the message area at the bottom of the Arbortext Editor window and updates to show the status of the update references operation. When the update is complete, either the message Update of document complete: no changes and n documents with n elements checked or the message Update of document complete: n changes and n documents with n elements checked is displayed. In the latter case, the Update References Messages window appears listing the changes made by the operation and any warnings or errors that were detected during the operation. Each message has a LINK after it. Double-clicking on the LINK moves the cursor to the place in the associated document with the message. If the message is about a document that is referenced from a DITA map, that document is opened in a new Arbortext Editor window.
The Update References Messages window has two menus and a shortcut menu.
The File menu has the following options:
Save — Saves the contents of the message window to an .xml file. If this is the first save since the window has displayed, you are asked to select an output file name.
Save As — Saves the content to an output with a different name.
Save as HTML — Saves the content to an .htm file.
Print — Prints a published version of the message window. This printout will display the information currently set to be displayed by the View menu.
Clear Previous — Deletes all content in the message window except the content from the last update references operation.
Clear All — Deletes all content in the message window.
Close — Closes the message window.
The View menu has the following options:
Code Context — If checked, contextual information related to the code near where the problem occurred (such as a Java Stack Trace) displays in the message window.
Timestamps — If checked, timestamp information displays in the message window.
Message IDs — If checked, message ids (if any) associated with message entries display. An example of a message ID is A123456.
Display — Determines the type of content to display in the message window:
Messages — Displays all information (messages, warnings, and errors).
Warnings — Displays only warnings and errors. This is the default setting.
Errors — Displays only errors.
Font Size — Provides two options for changing the font size in the message window:
Increase — Increases the display font size.
Decrease — Decreases the display font size.
The shortcut menu appears when you click the right mouse button inside the message window. It has the following options:
Copy — Copies the selected region to the clipboard. This option is available only when you click inside a selected region.
Follow Link — If you right-click on a LINK in the message window and select this option, the linked document displays with the cursor positioned at the appropriate location in the source document. This option has no effect if there are no links in the message window.
Suppress — Hides the current message. To display suppressed messages, choose View > Display > Messages.
Collapse/Expand — Collapses or expands the current entry.