Content Pipeline Guide > Distributed Files > File Types > Filters
The distributed filters are saved as entities with the name filtername.ent. By saving these filters as entities, they can be reused across CCF files. These files are included in the Arbortext-path\composer directory
Following is a list of the distributed filters:
charSubFilter.ent — Substitutes characters according to user-specified substitution file in user-specified elements.
chunker.ent — Sink filter that splits (or chunks) a stream of SAX events into multiple files.
debugFilter.ent — Monitors SAX events that pass through the pipeline. Users can control which methods and handlers are monitored.
entityResolver.ent — Resolves entities used in the pipeline. For example, you could use this filter to resolve entities contained in the document to be processed or resolve the file location for the entity substitution file used in HTML output.
epicGenerator.ent — Source filter that produces SAX events by parsing a Arbortext Editor document.
epicSerializer.ent — Sink filter that generates a Arbortext Editor document from SAX events.
errorHandler.ent — Parses error handler calls (warning, error, fatalError), emits error messages as SAX events, and sends them to the output handler connected to this handler.
fileGenerator.ent — Source filter that produces SAX events by parsing an XML file.
fileSerializer.ent — Sink filter that serializes SAX events to a system file.
graphicConverter.ent — Copies graphic references to the appropriate destination, and then modifies attributes to point to the new location. In future releases, this filter will convert graphic file formats from one file format to another (because most browsers support them, the GIF, JPEG, and PNG file formats will continue to be copied rather than converted).
htmlHelpAdapter.ent — Sink filter that takes HTML Help parameters and converts them to XSLTransformer parameters.
log4jErrorHandler.ent— Converts error handling calls (warning, error, fatalError) into new SAX events and passes them to its output handler using the log4j logging mechanism. The format and output destination depend on the appender and layout associated with the current filter class. For more information, refer to the log4j documentation at
namespaceFixer.ent — Transformer filter that changes namespace prefixes. You can use this filter to strip the namespaced content in the Boilerplate filter.
piToElementConverter.ent — Converts processing instructions (PIs) into elements. During serialization, Arbortext-specific PIs (for example, _font or _cellfont) are transformed into text nodes containing XML markup and surrounded by javax.xml.transform.disable-output-escaping and javax.xml.transform.enable-output-escaping to retain escaping characters. When read back from the file system, the text nodes are parsed into elements.
In this release, the intermediate serialization is eliminated and each text node is emitted as a character event instead of a set of elements. To solve the problem, the PIs are first converted into elements. New stylesheet templates are provided to handle the converted elements.
profiler.ent — Transformer filter that suppresses elements that don’t match certain criteria.
switch.ent — Determines the flow of SAX events across multiple forks in the pipeline. The SAX events are routed to the appropriate pipe.
xslTransformer.ent — Compiles an XSL stylesheet and uses it to transform the input stream to the output stream.