Content Pipeline Guide > ACL Reference > Core Functions > composer_get_ccf_parameters
composer_get_ccf_parameters(arr, comp)
The composer_get_ccf_parameters function populates an array arr with the parameters associated with a composer. The comp parameter specifies a handle for the composer. The handle should be the handle returned by the composer_sysid function.
The resulting array is an associative array in which each index is the name of a composer interface parameter, as defined by the Parameter element in the composer's CCF file. The entry at each index is the parameter's default value. The entry is an empty string if a parameter has no default value.
This function returns the size of the populated array or 0 if an error occurs.
Calling this function requires parsing the CCF file unless the CCF file has been cached. Subsequent changes to the CCF file will not be seen unless the composer is flushed by a call to the composer_flush function.