Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set savewindowconfiguration
set savewindowconfiguration
set savewindowconfiguration= { yes | no | prompt}
This option determines whether Arbortext Editor saves certain current window and view settings when it exits. This option has a global scope. The settings are:
yes — Save the settings.
no — Do not save the settings.
prompt — Prompt the user to decide whether settings should be saved. This is the default setting.
The size and location of all modeless dialog boxes that have been opened during the current session will be saved.
The set command options saved by this command are the menu, toolbar, split window, and window position settings.
Window settings
set command option
Window geometry
Split screen
Percent of split screen for the Document Map or Column view pane
Where the Document Map or Column view pane is located in a split screen
Whether the Document Map or Column view pane and the Edit pane are synchronized
Toolbar location, whether docked or floating
Docked dialog boxes and their locations
The split screen setting only applies to one Edit pane and one Document Map or Column view pane. If the saved state has a split window with the same views , then the setting will restore only one view.
View settings used by Edit and Document Map panes
set command option
Show generated text
Auto-update mode
Expand entities (document scope)
Change tracking view
If one of the preceding option values differs between the Edit pane and the Document Map pane, then the value for the current view is used.
Edit pane settings
set command option
Text font scale percent
Show marked section status
Show ignore sections
Show graphics
Show links
Show tables
Tag display
Tag display in table cells
Table rulers
Ruler units
Document Map pane settings
set command option
End tag display
Text display
All attributes expanded (document scope)
Related topic
window_reset_configuration function
write_preferences function