Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > PTC Arbortext Publishing > Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer > The Client Composition Extension > The com.arbortext.e3c.ClientCompositionExtension Interface > The postProcess Method
The postProcess Method
The postProcess method is called by the Client Composer after it has received a JAR file containing the results from the Arbortext PE server. This method retrieves and uses the information returned by the Arbortext PE server.
Many publishing methods do little processing in their preProcess methods because the Client Composer can do some of the work. However, postProcess performs any processing of the publishing results returned, because there's little common processing for the Client Composer to do. The postProcess method has the following signature:
public void postProcess(
E3ServerCompositionResult result,
JarFile responseJar,
E3Tracer tracer
The parameter result is an instance of the class com.arbortexte3c.E3ServerCompositionResult, which describes the result of the publishing operation. The result is the result.xml returned by the Arbortext PE server in the returned JAR file.
The parameter responseJar is a JAR file descriptor for the entire file returned by the Arbortext PE server. The file may contain one or more files produced by the publishing operation on the Arbortext PE server, including graphics and subdirectories containing result files. The primary job of the postProcess method is to extract the files in this archive and relocate them to their proper local locations rather than on the Arbortext PE server.
The parameter tracer is a tracing object that makes entries in the Arbortext Publishing Engine debugging log, described in Debugging the Client Composer.