Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > The Arbortext Publishing Engine Request Manager > Predefined Dynamic Components > Predefined Request Functions > The f=status Request
The f=status Request
This request function is implemented by the Java class com.arbortext.e3.FunctionStatus.. It returns an HTTP response containing an HTML page describing the configuration and status of the Arbortext PE Request Manager and its Dynamic Components. Almost everything that can be configured in e3config.xml is reflected in the status page. If you make changes to e3config.xml, you should always check the Status report page to make sure that the change you made is applied as you expect.
Each of the interfaces that Dynamic Components must implement include a method named getStatus which is called by the f=status code. If you implement custom Dynamic Components, write a getStatus method to place information about your component in the status page.
. The f=status request can take one parameter, page. The page parameter can take one of several values to request a subset of information from the status report:
compconfig returns an HTML version of the publishing configuration report from the publishing configuration cache.
compconfiglog returns the text log of the publishing configuration report from the publishing configuration cache.
compconfigdetail returns an XML version of the publishing configuration report from the publishing configuration cache.
java-properties returns a list of all system properties of the JVM in which the servlet container and Arbortext PE Request Manager is running.
If page is omitted, then FunctionStatus returns the entire status page describing all components.
For example, if the request specifies f=status&page=java-properties, then FunctionStatus returns the JVM system properties page. If f=status&page=compconfiglog, then FunctionStatus returns the log of the publishing configuration scan report.
The PE Publishing Configuration report lists all the document types, document type configuration files, and stylesheets available from the Arbortext PE server. You can review stylesheet names by both their paths and their names in separate entries. The report warns of any duplicate stylesheet names on the server. If a stylesheet name is not unique on the server, Arbortext Publishing Engine uses the first one it finds.
If Arbortext Publishing Engine is restarted, a Arbortext Editor client is not aware of any changes. A Arbortext Editor client can retrieve updated publishing configuration data from the Arbortext PE Request Manager. Arbortext Editor users must perform one of the following to automatically obtain the latest Arbortext Publishing Engine publishing configuration information:
Disable and then enable Use Publishing Engine in the Publishing Engine panel of Tools > Preferences.
Turn peservices off and then on again in Tools > Preferences > Advanced.
Exit and restart Arbortext Editor.
Arbortext Editor can also compare its publishing configuration with Arbortext Publishing Engine publishing configuration using the Tools > Compare Config with PE menu item. In the Compare Publishing Configuration with PE dialog box, Arbortext Editor users can generate the Publishing Configuration Comparison report, which notes the differences between the publishing environment on the client and on the server. This report is helpful in troubleshooting publishing processing, and you should include it with the data you submit when reporting a problem to Technical Support.
An f=init request clears the stylesheet cache, allowing you to update stylesheets on the Arbortext PE server without restarting it. Refer to The f=init Request for more information.