Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > PTC Arbortext Publishing > Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer > The Client Composition Extension > The com.arbortext.e3c.E3ServerCompositionRequest Interface
The com.arbortext.e3c.E3ServerCompositionRequest Interface
The com.arbortext.e3c.E3ServerCompositionRequest interface describes a request that will be transmitted to the Arbortext PE server for processing by the Arbortext Publishing Engine Server Composer. The request will be written to a file named input.xml in the input directory, which will be zipped into a JAR file for transmission to the Arbortext PE server.
Logically, a request consists of a document, a composer path, and a collection of parameters. The document is simply an entry parameter indicating which entry in the input JAR file is to be published. The composer path is a file parameter with a value of the absolute path to the content pipeline .ccf file that will be run on the server. Both the document and composer path are optional. For example, an import publishing operation does not require an input document, and some publishing operations proceed without using a content pipeline.
This object provides accessors and modifiers for the document, the content path, and the parameters.