Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > The Arbortext Publishing Engine Sub-Process > Writing Arbortext PE Applications in Java > The E3ApplicationConfig Class
The E3ApplicationConfig Class
This class permits Arbortext Publishing Engine to pass configuration information to an Arbortext PE Application. An instance of this class is passed to the Arbortext PE Application in conjunction with the call to its init method.
If repository credentials or other sensitive information is stored in web.xml or e3config.xml, you should remove permission to access the ACL, JavaScript, VBScript and Java sample applications from the Allowed Functions list in the e3config.xml configuration file. These sample applications display the global parameters, which would be a security issue if the parameters contain confidential information.
This interface supports the following methods:
getInitParameter returns the value of its initialization parameter name as a string. Returns null if there is no such parameter.
getInitParameterNames returns an Enumeration of String objects listing the name of every initialization parameter.
addIntermediateFile copies the file whose absolute path is provided by the source parameter into the transaction directory as an intermediate file. The contentType and description parameters are included as comments. This method allows the Arbortext PE Application to save a temporary file that contains information useful in debugging that can be retrieved from the transaction archive.
getApplicationLogger returns a Java Log4j Logger object that can be used to write to the servlet log. The log level will be set as indicated by the set of com.arbortext.e3.applicationLog parameters in e3config.xml. (Refer to Parameters that Control Application Logging in Global Arbortext PE Request Manager Parameters for more information.)
getTransactionDir returns a string containing the absolute path to the transaction directory of the request currently being processed.