Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > PTC Arbortext Publishing > Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer > Significant Parameters for the Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer
Significant Parameters for the Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer
The publishing framework must define all Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer parameters before calling ClientComposer.compose. The Client Composer looks for the parameters listed in the following table by name, and it takes special actions based upon these parameter values. The processing for all other parameters is determined by the type code for each parameter. If a parameter is required but not present, the Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer will issue a fatal error message. After processing the parameters in the table, the Client Composer may take one of three actions, shown in the Disposition column.
Parameters with local disposition are not transmitted to the Arbortext PE server.
Parameters with string disposition are transmitted to the Arbortext PE server with no processing.
Parameters with markup disposition are transmitted as attributes on the Compose element in the index.xml document written by the Client Composer to the input directory.
Significant Parameters for the Client Composer
Parameter Name
compose.document (required)
This is the ACL ID of the document being published. The Client Composer passes it to the publishing framework postprocess callback function.
compose.interactive (required)
If set to 1, the publishing operation was invoked by the Arbortext Editor user interface. The Client Composer uses this variable to determine whether to display progress messages and a dialog box (with a Cancel button) while awaiting a response from the Arbortext PE server. This value is passed to the publishing framework postprocess callback function.
compose.postProcessor (required)
The name of the ACL post-process function to be called by the publishing framework after the Client Composer receives its response from the Arbortext PE server. If the value of this parameter is null, the Client Composer does not call a post-process function.
compose.suppressLogDisplay (optional)
if 1, the event log is not displayed after the operation completes, even if it contains errors or fatal errors.
ditaDoctype (optional)
an empty string, topic, map, or omitted. If ditaProcessing is set to true, and ditaDoctype is set to map, then the Client Composer looks in the directory named by ditaFilePath for files named maplinks.unordered and metadatacollection.xml. The Client Composer copies them into a subdirectory named ditaData in the input directory (the directory transmitted to the server in a JAR file).
ditaFilePath (optional)
Required if ditaProcessing is true and ditaDoctype is set to map. It must contain the absolute path to a directory containing files as described in ditaDoctype above.
(see ditaLinksHrefPrefix)
ditaLinksHrefPrefix (optional)
Specifies the relative path by which the DITA Map being published references the files in the DITA links directory. The Client Composer creates a subdirectory of the input directory using this path and copies the DITA link files to the new subdirectory. For HTML Help and Web publishing, set this parameter to something other than the value .\. In those cases, the Client Composer uses the value of the ditaLinksHrefAlternate parameter instead, to avoid copying DITA link files to the top level of the input directory.
ditaLinksDir (optional)
Specifies the absolute path to a directory of files on the client that are referenced by a DITA map but which are not XML documents. The Client Composer copies this directory to the input directory, using the name indicated by the parameters ditaLinksHrefPrefix and ditaLinksHrefAlternate.
ditaProcessing (optional)
If true, the document being published is a DITA topic or map document, as indicated by the ditaDoctype parameter.
e3.asynchronous (required)
If set to 1, the publishing operation is performed asynchronously. Otherwise the Client Composer performs a synchronous operation.
e3.busyMessage (optional)
If specified, this parameter is displayed during a synchronous publishing operation instead of the localized version of the message Composing on PE Server.
e3.busyPanel (optional)
If specified, this parameter gives the name of the dialog box displayed during a synchronous operation. If not specified, the dialog box defined in e3compose.xml is displayed.
e3.busyPanelMessage (optional)
If specified, this parameter gives the name of the message displayed in the busy panel. The default is Composing on PE Server {url}, where url is replaced by the Arbortext PE server URL. If e3.busyPanel is specified and e3.busyPanelMessage is not specified, then no message is loaded into the e3.busyPanel dialog box.
e3.clientCompositionExtension (required)
This parameter must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java class to be instantiated and called as part of the publishing operation. The Java class must implement the interface com.arbortext.e3c.E3ClientCompositionExtension.
e3.clientOptions (optional)
This must be a list of the names of ACL set options separated by | characters. The Client Composer retrieves the value of each option and passes the value to the Arbortext PE server.
e3.composerPath (required)
This must be the absolute path to the composer .ccf file that will run on the Arbortext PE server, or an empty string if no composer will be used.
e3.compositionType (optional)
This is a string that is passed as the value of the ati-operation-type parameter when submitting a request to Arbortext Publishing Engine. It allows the Arbortext PE server to determine what kind of publishing operation a request will perform. The administrator can configure Arbortext PE server to allocate different Arbortext PE sub-process pools, queues, notifiers, and so on to handle different kinds of publishing requests.
e3.excludedDirectories (optional)
This must be a colon-separated list of directory names. Each even numbered entry specifies the name of a subdirectory in the input directory; each even-numbered entry specifies the name of a subdirectory of the previous even-numbered entry that should not be transmitted to the Arbortext PE server.
e3.sourceDocument (optional)
This must be the ACL ID of the document that will be passed to the Arbortext PE server. It may be omitted if no document is required, such as when importing a Word document. It must be accompanied by a type of either local or opendoc. If local, no document is transmitted to the Arbortext PE server. opendoc is described in Handling document and opendoc Parameters.
queue (optional)
If set to yes, the request is queued, not processed immediately.