Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > The Arbortext Publishing Engine Sub-Process > Writing Arbortext PE Applications in ACL > Passing Parameters
Passing Parameters
The entire HTTP request, including all information about the request provided by the Java Servlet interface, is passed to the Arbortext PE sub-process and made available to the ACL Arbortext PE Application. This includes the HTTP request headers, query parameters, and request body. The client can pass an arbitrary number of HTTP query parameters to control the behavior of the application.
The ACL Arbortext PE Application can call the following ACL functions to retrieve information about the request.
ACL Functions for Accessing the Request
PEAppRequest::getAuthType( )
Returns the name of the authentication scheme used to protect the Arbortext PE Request Manager servlet; for example, BASIC, SSL, or an empty string if the servlet is not protected.
PEAppRequest::getCharacterEncoding( )
Returns the name of the character encoding used in the body of this request or an empty string if the request does not specify a character encoding.
PEAppRequest::getContentLength( )
Returns the length, in bytes, of the request body or -1 if the length is not known.
PEAppRequest::getContentType( )
Returns the MIME type of the body of the request, or an empty string if the type is not known.
PEAppRequest::getContextPath( )
Returns the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request.
PEAppRequest::getDateHeader( name )
Returns the value of the specified request header as the number of milliseconds since 0:00 January 1, 1970.
PEAppRequest::getHeader( name )
Returns the value of the specified request header or an empty string if the header was not specified on the request. If the header has more than one value, only the first is returned.
PEAppRequest::getHeaderNames( array[] )
Returns an array of the names of each request header.
PEAppRequest::getHeaders( name, array[] )
Returns an array of all values of header name.
PEAppRequest::getInputFile( )
Returns the absolute path to the file on disk containing the message body of the HTTP POST request. It returns an empty string if there is no message body (HTTP GET request, or HTTP POST request with a null body).
PEAppRequest::getIntHeader( name)
Included for completeness; identical to PEAppRequest::getHeader().
PEAppRequest::getLocale( )
Returns the preferred locale for the content being sent to the client, based on the request’s Accept-Language header
PEAppRequest::getLocales( array[] )
Returns an array of the name of each locale the client will accept..
PEAppRequest::getMethod( )
Returns the name of the HTTP method for this request, either GET or POST.
PEAppRequest::getParameter( name )
Returns the value of a request parameter as a String, or an empty string if the parameter does not exist. If the parameter has more than one value, the first is returned.
PEAppRequest::getParameterNames( array[] )
Returns an array of the name of each request parameter specified on the request, and returns the number of names specified.
PEAppRequest::getParameterValues( name, array[] )
Returns an array of each value of request parameter name
PEAppRequest::getPathInfo( )
Returns any extra path information associated with the URL the client sent when it made the request.
PEAppRequest::getPathTranslated( )
Returns the extra path information after the servlet name but before the query string, translated to a real path.
PEAppRequest::getProtocol( )
Returns the name and version of the protocol used by the request, in the form protocol/major version.minor version, for example HTTP/1.1.
PEAppRequest::getQueryString( )
Returns the query string that is contained in the request URL after the path, or an empty string if the URL does not have a query string.
PEAppRequest::getRemoteAddr( )
Returns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client that sent the request.
PEAppRequest::getRemoteHost( )
Returns the fully-qualified name of the client that sent the request, or the IP address of the client if the name cannot be determined.
PEAppRequest::getRemoteUser( )
Returns the login of the user making the request, if the user has been authenticated. Returns an empty string otherwise.
PEAppRequest::getRequestURI( )
Returns the part of this request's URL from the protocol name up to the query string.
PEAppRequest::getScheme( )
Returns the name of the scheme used to make this request, for example http or https.
PEAppRequest::getServerName( )
Returns the host name of the server that is processing the request.
PEAppRequest::getServerPort( )
Returns the port number on which this request was received.
PEAppRequest::getServletPath( )
Returns the part of this request’s URL that resulted in the Arbortext PE Request Manager being invoked.
PEAppRequest::isSecure( )
Returns 0 for false or 1 for true indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS.