Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > The Arbortext Publishing Engine Sub-Process > Writing Arbortext PE Applications in JavaScript > Creating a JavaScript Arbortext PE Application
Creating a JavaScript Arbortext PE Application
An Arbortext PE Application runs within an Arbortext PE sub-process and responds to HTTP requests routed to it from the Arbortext PE Request Manager.
The f=javascript function has a function=function-name parameter where function-name specifies the JavaScript function to handle the request.
The Arbortext PE sub-process calls the JavaScript function specified by function-name and passes LiveConnect JavaObject references to the E3ApplicationRequest and E3ApplicationResponse objects. The JavaScript Arbortext PE Application must specify two parameters to represent the E3ApplicationRequest and E3ApplicationResponse objects. When the JavaScript function returns, the Arbortext PE sub-process transmits the response information in the E3ApplicationResponse object back to the Arbortext PE Request Manager.
For an Arbortext Publishing Engine installation, only one type of JavaScript is supported. To be sure your JavaScript Arbortext PE Application is compatible, you need to specify the JavaScript interpreter for your .js file. At the top of the script, place the following statement:
//<script type="text/javascript">
The JScript language is not supported for Arbortext Publishing Engine.
The f=javascript function can specify a custom application that returns a file of any type. It can also set the HTTP status code, reason phrase, and headers to any requested value.