Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > PTC Arbortext Publishing > Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer > Client Composer Parameter Types > Handling Entry Parameters
Handling Entry Parameters
An entry parameter provides a mechanism for transmitting an arbitrary file to the Arbortext PE server as part of the publishing request. The parameter value must be the absolute path to the file. Unlike a file referenced by the document parameter, the file designated by an entry parameter is not opened as an XML or SGML document by Arbortext Editor. Instead, the file is copied to the input directory (i.e. to the directory that will be transmitted to the Arbortext PE server as a JAR file). An entry parameter transmits a file located on the client, without opening the file, expanding entities, copying graphics, or other processing.
The file designated by an entry parameter will be transmitted to the Arbortext PE server using only its name. If entry parameter p1 has the value c:\test\data.txt, it will be copied into the input directory as data.txt. To avoid name collisions, no entry parameter should reference a file named:
An entry parameter must specify a path and file, not just a directory.
Arbortext PE server retrieves the file by looking for the entry by name (such as data.txt from the example) in the JAR file it receives from the client.