Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > PTC Arbortext Publishing > Arbortext Publishing Engine Client Composer > Client Composer Parameter Types > Handling document and opendoc Parameters > Copying Graphics
Copying Graphics
For any publishing process that returns a DVI file to Arbortext Editor, graphic copying is a solution to the problem of transmitting a document with no external references that might be invalid on the Arbortext PE server. Graphic copying is straightforward: for each graphic referenced by an XML or SGML document, as the Client Composer copies the graphic to a subdirectory of the input directory. The graphic reference is adjusted to a relative path reference. The subdirectory name is derived from the base name for the temporary XML or SGML document written in the input directory. If the document is called x10.xml, its graphics are placed in the subdirectory x10–graphics. If the document contained reference to the graphic c:\test\graphicfile.gif, the file would be copied to x10–graphics\graphicfile.gif. Its reference would be modified to specify the same value. Graphic file names are also modified, if necessary, to prevent name collisions in the destination subdirectory (which might occur for graphics collected from several locations).