Publishing Engine Programmer's Guide > The Arbortext Publishing Engine Request Manager > Predefined Dynamic Components > Pre-Defined Queues > Active and Inactive States and the Active Interval
Active and Inactive States and the Active Interval
A Arbortext Queue may be active or inactive. When inactive, the queue does not supply any transactions to the Queued Transaction Scheduler for execution. Whether the queue is active or inactive, it will always accept transactions from Queue Managers.
The queue parameter active-interval can be specified in e3config.xml to configure a Arbortext Queue to be active during certain periods; outside those periods, the queue is inactive. The active-interval parameter value consists of a list of time periods separated by semicolons specifying when the queue is active, following the format p1;p2;p3;pn.
Each period consists of the following: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, weekday, or weekend.
You can also further specify an optional time frame by appending a comma and a time range. A time range consists of a 24–hour HH:MM-HH:MM specification. If the second HH:MM is omitted, it defaults to 23:59 of the same day. If the second HH:MM specification is earlier than the first, it specifies a time on the following day.
Examples of active-interval specifications:
Parameter name="active-interval" value="weekday"
The queue is active all day Monday through Friday but not on weekends.
Parameter name="active-interval" value="weekday,20:00–06:00;weekend"
The queue is active Monday through Friday from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. the next morning and all day on weekends.
Parameter name="active-interval" value="monday,12:00–16:00;wednesday,17:00"
The queue is active on Mondays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 5 PM to midnight (23:59 is assumed for the end period when no end time is specified).
If a queue does not have an active-interval parameter or it’s set to an empty string "", then it is always active.
An active queue must also be enabled to process its transactions. When a queue is disabled, it can still accept transaction requests, but no transactions can be executed by the Queued Transaction Scheduler, even if the queue is active. An administrator can enable or disable a queue from the Queue List page retrieved from the Queue List link on the Arbortext Publishing Engine HTML index page. However, an administrator can’t make a queue active or inactive from the Queue List page. Refer to Configuration Guide for Arbortext Publishing Engine for more information on queue management.