Configuring Arbortext Publishing Engine > Configuring Arbortext Editor to Use Arbortext PE server > Arbortext Publishing Engine Security Framework > Enabling and Disabling the Security Framework
Enabling and Disabling the Security Framework
Arbortext Publishing Engine security framework is enabled by default. If the Arbortext Publishing Engine security framework is enabled the user should be provided with the authentication form. If you enter wrong credentials the error form gets displayed.
Once Arbortext Publishing Engine is installed you can choose to disable the security framework by opening e3config.xml and setting the com.arbortext.e3.enableSecurityFramework parameter to a value of false as in the following example.
<!-- This parameter specifies whether the security framework
is enabled or disabled. For compatibility with versions
of PE earlier than 7.0 M030, set it to "false".
CAUTION: if this value is set to "false", PE will allow
any user to submit any request. No authentication will
be performed.
<Parameter name="com.arbortext.e3.enableSecurityFramework"
Arbortext Editor publishing requests to Arbortext Publishing Engine now support user authentication. To request that Arbortext Editor requests are authenticated, modify thee3config.xml file and set the compositionIdentificationPolicy parameter to remote. Once the user authenticates, the username is used to verify the identity of requests for the duration of the user session. This parameter value can only be used if all Arbortext Editor clients are version or higher. If any earlier Arbortext Editor clients are in use, set the compositionIdentificationPolicy parameter to header.
Restart Arbortext Publishing Engine for the change to take effect.
If the Arbortext Publishing Engine security framework is disabled the user does not get the authentication form.