教學專區 > 使用 DITA 主題 > Glossary > 建立 Glossary
建立 Glossary
依照下列步驟來建立 Glossary 主題:
1. 選擇檔案 > 新建
2. 新建文件對話方塊的種類清單中選取 DITA Technical Content,並在類型清單中選取 DITA Glossary,然後按一下確定
DITA Glossary 範本會載入到 Arbortext Editor 視窗中:
3. glossterm 標籤中輸入以下文字:
Meeting Agenda
4. glossdef 標籤中輸入以下文字:
A list of meeting activities in the order in which they are to be taken up, beginning with the call to order and ending with adjournment.It usually includes one or more specific items of business to be considered.It may, but is not required to, include specific times for one or more activities.
5. meetingAgenda.dita 名稱儲存 Glossary。
您完成的 Glossary 看起來應該是這樣的: