文件類型 > Document Type Configuration (.dcf) > Document Type Configuration Files
Document Type Configuration Files
Once you have created a document type, you can customize it for use with Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine by creating or editing a document type configuration file (.dcf). The .dcf file is an XML file based on the dcfdtd document type (Arbortext-path/doctypes/dcfdtd/dcfdtd.dtd).
You can edit or create a .dcf file using the DCF Editor in Arbortext Architect.
The .dcf file can be saved in the same directory as the associated document type. It should have the same name as the document type (doctypename.dcf). You also can place a .dcf in a \custom\doctypes\doctype directory. The doctype directory name and the base file name of the .dcf must be the same as the base document type name. For example, you could customize the default Arbortext XML DocBook axdocbook.dcf, and then put it in Arbortext-path\custom\doctypes\axdocbook to override the default .dcf.
Use the .dcf file to configure the following features:
Options element — Configures document type-scoped settings.
Application toolbar functionality (see Configuring and enabling the Application toolbar in the Administrator's Guide)
Published print process (see Configuring the published print process for a document type)
Document-level formatting (see Disabling touchup and FOSI editing in a document type)
Default file extension (see Specifying a default document extension)
Custom dictionaries (see Creating and accessing a user-defined dictionary in the Administrator's Guide)
Document editing restrictions (see Restricting editing in documents)
Alternative stylesheet directory (see Specifying an alternative stylesheets directory for a document type in the Administrator's Guide)
Alternative tag templates directory (see Specifying alternate location for tag templates directory)
Document type Schematron file (see Specifying a Schematron file)
Default table model (see Specifying the default table model)
Equation support (see Turning off equation support)
Document directionality attribute (see Specifying the attribute for element directionality)
Free version of Arbortext Styler (see Disabling the free version of Arbortext Styler)
Window class (see Specifying a window class)
Document type scope macro file (see Specifying the location or name of the document type scope macro file)
New line element (see Specifying the new line element)
ID attribute (see Specifying an ID attribute)
Burst specification warning (see Disabling the missing burst specification warning)
Warnings about empty elements (see Disabling warnings about empty elements)
Character substitution restrictions (see Restricting character substitution for elements)
DITA ID assignment (see Enabling and disabling DITA ID assignment)
DitaOptions element — Configures document type-scoped settings specific to DITA document types.
DITA content reference (conref) attribute (see Specifying the DITA content reference attribute)
DITA specialization attribute (see Specifying the DITA specialization attribute)
DITA resolved map editing (see Enabling and disabling resolved document editing)
DITA resolved document types (see Specifying the DITA resolved documents for editing and styling)
DITA map folder insertion (see Enabling and disabling multiple folder insertion in a DITA map)
DITA map used for topic publishing (see Specifying the DITA map used for topic publishing)
DITA key definition attribute (see Specifying the DITA key definition attribute)
DITA key reference attribute (see Specifying the DITA key reference attribute)
NewDialog element — Configures the document type information displayed and accessed in the New Document dialog box.
NewTopicDialog element — Configures the document type information displayed and accessed in the Resource Manager.
ElementOptions element — Configures specific traits for elements.
Character substitution restrictions
Persistent file name elements
Spelling check ignored elements
Spell checking word boundary elements
Document map inline elements
Hidden elements
Primary division elements
Warning that element is empty
AttributeOptions element — Configures the display of attributes in Arbortext Editor.
Hidden attributes
Read-only attributes
Profiling attributes
Undeclared attributes
Attribute properties that apply only to certain elements
Display element — Configures the display of elements in Arbortext Editor Edit view, overriding the default settings.
Element display settings
Default element icons
Specials element — Configures elements as specific types (graphic, link, target, ActiveX control, or paragraph).
ActiveX controls (Refer to the Working with ActiveX chapter in the Customizer's Guide.
Graphics support
Intelligent graphic defaults
Link source and target elements
Paragraph elements
ContextTransformations element — Configures substitutions or additional insertions to keep a document valid in response to other changes.
Automatic element insertion
Replacing or modifying invalid elements
DITA map promote and demote behavior
TextStyles element — Configures elements as bold, italic, or underline text styles.
Lists element — Configures elements for creating bulleted and numbered lists, which are inserted by bulleted and numbered list buttons on the Application toolbar.
SmartInsert element — Configures the categories and elements for the Smart Insert dialog box.
Framesets element — Specifies valid framesets and their locations for a document type.
Composition element — Configures the allowable output types and optional .ccf composer configuration file.
TableModelDefinitions element — Defines custom tables in a document type.
ColumnView element — Enables Column view for the document type and configures the number and type of columns displayed.
PEStylesheetOrder element — Configures the order of stylesheet selections displayed in Print and Publish dialog boxes.
PasteOptions element — Specifies elements that should be treated as primary elements for copy and paste conversion.