文件類型 > Document Types Available from Arbortext > Working with DITA Resolved Documents > Associating Document Type Files with the Generated Resolved Documents
Associating Document Type Files with the Generated Resolved Documents
Even though the generated resolved document types do not have a document type directory, you can still associate a document type configuration (.dcf) file, stylesheet, and other document type files with the generated document types. By default, when you generate a resolved document from a DITA map, Arbortext Editor copies some files in the map’s document type directory with the format doctypename.extension to the temporary resolved document type directory. Note that files with the following extensions are not copied:
For example, a doctypename.tmx file for the DITA map would be added to the generated resolved document type.
It is recommended that you avoid using relative paths for file references in document type files that might be used in a generated resolved document type. Those files are copied from the DITA map’s document type directory to the temporary resolved document type directory, so the relative paths will no longer apply.
In addition to the default behavior, you can develop .dcf files, stylesheets, and other document type files for your generated resolved document types. Arbortext Editor uses the following rules to find document type files for a generated resolved document type:
1. If the DITA map from which you are generating the resolved document has a custom rdstyle or rdedit document type, that document type’s files are used.
2. If there is a file in the DITA map’s document type directory named mapname-rdtype.extension, then that file is used.
For example, if bookmap-rdstyle.dcf is in the bookmap document type directory, that .dcf file is used for the generated resolved document for styling for that document type. Similarly, if there is a map-rdedit.style file in the map document type directory, that .style file is used for the generated resolved document for editing for that document type.
3. A SYSTEM catalog lookup is performed for the file name from the previous step enabling multiple map document types to share common files.
For example, map and bookmap both share the same .dcf file settings for their rdedit document type, but only map-rdedit.dcf exists in the map document type directory. The catalog file in the bookmap document type directory contains a SYSTEM definition for bookmap-rdedit.dcf referring to map-rdedit.dcf.
4. A SYSTEM catalog lookup is performed for rdtype-default.extension files..
For example, Arbortext Editor looks for rdstyle-default.dcf as the .dcf file to use with generated resolved document for styling document types. Default rdstyle-default.dcf and rdedit-default.dcf are in the Arbortext-path\lib\rdgen directory with corresponding catalog entries.
5. If the file being searched for is a stylesheet, then the current Arbortext Editor stylesheet for the DITA map will be used.
You cannot specify other document type files. For example, you cannot create an instance.acl file for use with a generated resolved document type.