文件類型 > Document Types Available from Arbortext > HTML
HTML is a language for publishing on the World Wide Web. It is a non-proprietary format, based upon SGML. HTML uses tags to structure text into headings, paragraphs, lists, hyperlinks and more. The latest version, HTML 4.01, defines three different versions of the DTD:
HTML 4.01 strict — used when you want markup free of presentational information.
HTML 4.01 transitional — takes advantage of HTML's presentational features so a stylesheet need not be written.
HTML 4.01 frameset — used when you want to use HTML Frames to partition the browser window into two or more frames.
Arbortext Editor supports the transitional DTD. The frameset DTD is not provided.
HTML 4.01 was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) who has the charter to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. Information about the W3C organization and specific details about the HTML DTD can be found at their web site at www.w3.org.
The document type includes a template and a sample document along with a sample stylesheet.
The distributed document types are samples. You can modify them for your own use or use them as examples for customizing your own document types. They are not intended for production use.
You can make any changes as needed, for example, a stylesheet or other configuration setting does not suit your environment.
You should never alter the schema or DTD of any of the distributed document types directly. If you want to customize a distributed document type, make a copy of it and make changes to the copied version.
The stylesheets were created to style only the sample instances; they are not recommended or supported for a production environment. It is expected that you will customize the sample stylesheets before using them in a production environment.
Tag help is available for the elements in this document type. Tag help refers to the help that appears when you place the mouse pointer over a tag in your document and press SHIFT+F1.
For the transitional DTD the public identifier is the following:
-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
For the strict DTD the public identifier is the following:
-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN
Version 4.01 of this document type includes these features when running on Arbortext Editor:
Division headers are automatically inserted — Whenever you insert a DIV (division) element, the appropriate head element (H1, H2, ..., H6) is automatically inserted. This creates “structured HTML”, which allows you to use the Collapse/Expand Detail feature in Arbortext Editor. You can delete the head element if not needed or if you prefer another level head.
Definition component tags are automatically inserted — Whenever you insert a DL (definition list) element, DT (definition term) and DD (definition description) elements are automatically inserted.
If you are working within a DT element and press Enter, Arbortext Editor will jump to the corresponding DD element.
If you are working in a DD and press Enter, Arbortext Editor will insert a new DT/ DD pair, and jump to the new DTelement.
You can still insert or delete individual DT or DD elements if you need to create such a structure.
The Full/Partial/No Tags menu choices on the View menu have distinct displays.
Full Tags mode displays all source text and markup, including start and end tags, suppressed text, comments, etc. This mode is generally used to provide a “source view” of the document. Whether generated text is displayed or not depends on your Preferences setting.
Partial Tags mode is similar to Full Tags, but it is optimized for editing in the tagged view. It displays tags for major structural elements, icons for other tags, and ¶ markers for start and end paragraph tags. Whether generated text is displayed or not depends on your Preferences setting.
The No Tags mode is configured to give as WYSIWYG a view as possible. It doesn't show any tag markers, suppressed content, or comments, and it automatically turns on the display of generated text.
If you choose the No Tags mode from the toolbar rather than using the menu choices from the No Tags menu, any newline markers will still appear.
Hyperlinks can be used as markers to ease document navigation — double-click over an A (anchor) element whose href attribute contains the name attribute of another A (anchor) element within the current document, and Arbortext Editor will jump to that point in the document.
A Save for Browsers menu choice appears on the File menu when HTML 4.01 is the document type of the active document — use this option to save the document without processing instructions. Processing instructions ordinarily perform tasks like remembering detailing and cursor position, and may appear as text in some browsers.
Tools Menu Options
The HTML menu option displays on the Tools menu when you open an HTML document type. It offers the following choices:
Fix Character Entities for BrowsersArbortext Editor generally inserts some character entities like smart quotes and different types of dashes when editing. Some browsers display these entities as text, (for example, – and “) rather than the character itself. This tool converts all double quotes and dashes to their browseable character equivalent (for example, and ").
Compress Multiple Spaces — Some HTML editing tools add extra white space to HTML files by adding indents and extra spaces. These extra spaces are technically significant in XML, so they display in Arbortext Editor (always in the Editor view and sometimes in published output). This tool cleans up those extra spaces. The result still displays the same in the browser.
Clean Mixed Content — Characters (including white space) that appear outside of any tags in an HTML document is called unwrapped text. Unwrapped text causes Arbortext Editor to generate unwanted space.
This tool cleans up mixed content so that the resulting file is accurate with respect to HTML and XML so that it displays and formats properly in both Arbortext Editor and your HTML browser. Choose one of the following cleanup options:
Just Delete White Space — White space that is significant in XML but that would be ignored by an HTML browser is deleted so that both Arbortext Editor and HTML browsers will treat the document in the same fashion.
White space within PRE (preformatted elements) is left untouched.
Also Wrap Data with <p> — White space that is significant in XML but that would be ignored by an HTML browser is deleted so that both Arbortext Editor and HTML browsers will treat the document in the same fashion.
Non-white space characters not contained in any element (such as a P or a heading element) are automatically wrapped within <p> and </p> tags.
Wrap Requesting Confirmation — White space that is significant in XML but that would be ignored by an HTML browser is deleted so that both Arbortext Editor and HTML browsers will treat the document in the same fashion.
When Arbortext Editor encounters non-white space characters not contained in an element, it prompts you for confirmation before any wrapping operation.