Installing and Configuring the Connection
The PTC 伺服器連線 is installed as a standard product feature in the Arbortext Editor installation process. Refer to Installation Guide for Arbortext Editor, Arbortext Styler, and Arbortext Architect for more information about system requirements and installing the PTC 伺服器連線.
Once the connection is installed, follow these steps to configure the PTC 伺服器連線:
1. Copy the following file to siteprefs.xml in the same directory:
2. Copy the following file to userprefs.xml in the same directory:
3. Edit the siteprefs.xml file to refer to your PTC server(s).
4. If desired, edit the parameters in the userprefs.xml file.
5. If desired, set up and import the sample burst configuration files located in the following directory: