Setting a Document-Type-Specific Burst Configuration
Each document type, except free-form documents, can have a different burst configuration. Some of the settings in the document-type-specific burst configuration will override the same burst configuration settings in the global defaults stored in the atidefaults.bcf file. These settings are detailed in the following sections.
Each document-type-specific burst configuration is stored in a doctypename.bcf file, where doctypename is an exact case-sensitive match of the document type name (for example, axdocbook.bcf for the Arbortext XML DocBook document type). Each document-type-specific burst configuration file is an XML file (with the .bcf extension). A sample axdocbook.bcf file (for the Arbortext XML DocBook document type) and sample burst configuration files for all of the DITA document types are provided in the following directory:
It is recommended that you use one of these files as a starting point for setting your document-type-specific burst configuration. You can edit the file using Arbortext Editor.
After you've edited your document-type-specific file(s), you must specify (for the
PTC 伺服器連線) where to find the file(s). See
Specifying the burst configuration location for details.
All settings are made within a burstspec element. The burstspec element has an attribute named filemapping that controls the format used for the object reuse information stored for imported documents. If object reuse is not enabled in the system-wide burst configuration file, the filemapping attribute is ignored. If object reuse is enabled, the filemapping attribute supports the following values:
• off — Object reuse is disabled for this document type.
• standard — The file system path of a document object imported due to a file entity or XInclude reference is maintained for object reuse.
No object reuse information is maintained for the top level document object. This is the default value.
• dita — The file system path and the element ID of a document object imported due to a DITA topic or content reference is maintained for object reuse.
This value is intended to be used for DITA documents. DITA documents can reference topics that are part of larger documents, so the PTC 伺服器連線 needs to maintain more specific information about DITA documents for object reuse. The following information is maintained for a DITA document:
element_id is the
ID attribute defined in the document type configuration file (
.dcf) file. If no ID attribute is defined in the
.dcf file, the
id attribute is used by default. The element ID for the top level element in the referenced document is used for the object reuse information. If the referenced document is not an XML or SGML file, or if no element ID is located in the referenced document, then only the file system path is maintained.
Following is an example of a document-type-specific burst configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->
<!DOCTYPE burstspec PUBLIC "-//Arbortext//DTD BurstSpec 1.0//EN"
<!-- axdocbook.bcf
This sample file contains the object boundary specs
and object creational parameters for axdocbook.
Note, however, that a <boundaryspec> element isn't required,
since creational parameters can be used while not bursting.
The 'fileent' and 'graphics' attributes control conversion of
file entities and graphics to DMS objects. -->
<boundaryspec fileent="on" graphics="on">
<element name="chapter" objecttype="xinclude"/>
<element name="sect1" objecttype="xinclude"/>
<element name="caution" objecttype="xinclude"/>
<!-- Object creation parameters specific to axdocbook. Global defaults
are available in 'atidefaults.bcf'. -->
<!-- An object's name is assigned according
to a prioritized set of rules. Each of the rules below is checked in
order, and the first applicable rule determines the object's name.
"topmost-is-filename" takes effect only when it's the first
rule in the naming criteria. -->
<!-- If we have a filename, use that for the top-level object -->
<namerule rule="topmost-is-filename"/>
<!-- For chapters, use names like "Foo (chapter)" -->
<namerule elementname="chapter"
nameexpression="concat(title, ' (', name(), ')')" rule="xpath"/>
<!-- For sect1s, use names like "Foo (sect1)" -->
<namerule elementname="sect1"
nameexpression="concat(title, ' (', name(), ')')" rule="xpath"/>
<!-- For cautions, use "Caution:" followed by the initial text -->
<namerule elementname="caution" nameexpression="concat('Caution: ', .)"
<!-- For anything else, use the title if it has one -->
<namerule nameexpression="title" rule="xpath"/>
<!-- If no title, use the element content and element name -->
<namerule nameexpression="%element-content% (%element-name%)"
<!-- If all else fails, use the element name -->
<namerule rule="element-name"/>
Rules for DMS object type and storage location can be
based on either the element name or the source type
("text" or "graphic"). The user may assign a value
only if the useroverride setting in atidefaults.bcf is
set "on", in which case, a user-supplied value takes
precedence. Otherwise, the system checks for a rule
based on the element name, then the source type, and
finally, the administrative default.
The 'targettype' attribute of any 'typerule' elements must
specify a fully-qualified subtype name which derives from
DynamicDocument (which is a built-in type deriving from
EPMDocument). The format of this attribute is as follows:
wt.epm.EPMDocument|<child-name-1>| ... |<child-name-N>
Each component must specify the 'Name' of each subtype
(not the 'Display Name') as given in the Type Manager
interface. An example 'targettype' attribute value follows:
<locnrule location="" sourcetype="graphic"/>