內容管理 > PTC 伺服器連線 Setup > Saving a DITA Topic to Be Used as a PTC Server Template
Saving a DITA Topic to Be Used as a PTC Server Template
The PTC 伺服器連線 enables you to save a DITA topic template document directly to a PTC server where it can be used as the source for a dynamic document template. This enables you to retain the DITA feature that automatically sets the topic ID when the template is first saved in Arbortext Editor. Once the template document is uploaded to the PTC Server, you can use the PTC Server HTML interface to set the template as a dynamic document template.
Once the dynamic document template is set on a PTC Server that has the Windchill Service Information Manager solution installed, you can then use the PTC 伺服器連線 to connect to that PTC Server and you will see a category in the Arbortext EditorNew Document dialog box for the dynamic document templates stored on the PTC Server. The name of the category will be Context [PTC Server]. Context is the name of the PTC Server context in which you are working. PTC Server is the name of the PTC Server to which you are connected. The dynamic document templates defined in that context on the server appear in the Type option when you select the PTC Server category.
If desired, you can use the document-type-specific burst configuration file to either upload the source template file as a new dynamic document object subtype or to assign values to PTC Server attributes for the dynamic document. Use the dmsobjtype element in the document-type-specific burst configuration file to define a new dynamic document subtype for the template. Use the dmsmetadata element in the document-type-specific burst configuration file to assign values to PTC Server attributes for the uploaded dynamic document.
Saving a Template Document to the PTC Server
Follow these steps to save an Arbortext Editor DITA topic template document to a PTC Server:
1. Open Arbortext Editor and use the PTC 伺服器連線 to connect to a PTC Server.
2. Choose File > New.
The New Document dialog box opens.
3. On the New Document dialog box, select the DITA topic type that you want to use as a template, make sure that the Template option is selected, and click OK.
The DITA topic template document opens.
4. Modify the template document as desired, but do not save it.
5. Enter save_as_windchill_template_source() at the Arbortext Editor command line.
If the command line is not available, choose Tools > Preferences and check the Command Line option in the Preferences dialog box’s Window category.
After you enter the function, the Save As Properties dialog box opens.
6. Use the Save As Properties dialog box to specify the name and location for the template document on the PTC Server and click OK.
The template document is uploaded to the PTC Server and the dialog box closes.
Setting the Template Document as a Dynamic Document Template on the PTC Server
Follow these steps to use an uploaded Arbortext Editor DITA topic template document as a dynamic document template on the PTC Server:
1. Log on to the PTC Server in the HTML interface as an administrator.
2. Open the Navigator and use the Browse tab to open the context where you want to specify the dynamic document template.
You can specify a dynamic document template in any context, including the site context.
3. In the context on the Browse tab, click Templates.
The Templates table appears.
4. On the Templates table, select Dynamic Document Templates from the view drop-down list.
The Templates table displays the dynamic document templates view.
5. Click the New Dynamic Document Template icon.
The New Dynamic Document Template window opens.
6. On the New Dynamic Document Template window, specify the DITA topic template document uploaded from Arbortext Editor in the Source option and the name you want displayed for the template in the Name option, then click OK.
The new template appears in the Templates table. The template will also now appear in the Arbortext EditorNew Document dialog box for the specified context on a PTC Server that has the Windchill Service Information Manager solution installed.