Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set fmtthreshhdrftroverset
set fmtthreshhdrftroverset
set fmtthreshhdrftroverset= size
This command sets the threshold for determining a header/footer overset formatting fault while formatting a document instance. The size argument is a non-negative distance and unit specification. Valid units of measurement are points, picas, millimeters, centimeters, and inches. The default setting is 0pt.
When this option is set for Arbortext Editor clients using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing documents, the setting is sent to the Arbortext PE 伺服器 with a publishing request and applied. After the request is fulfilled, the setting for this option on the server reverts to its last set value.
set fmthreshhdrftroverset=10pt
set fmtthreshhdrftroverset=2pi
set fmtthreshhdrftroverset=7.5mm
set fmtthreshhdrftroverset=1.1cm
set fmtthreshhdrftroverset=0.125in
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set fmtfaulthdrftroverset command