Arbortext Command Language > Functions by Alphabetical Listing > add_graphic_fallback
add_graphic_fallback (primary, fallbacklist, isPrint)
This function allows you to declare fallback types for graphic formats not natively supported by Arbortext Editor.
primary is the file extension for the primary graphic type without a dot, for example c3di or cnv.
fallbacklist is a comma separated list defining the file extensions to look for in secondary (attachment) content
isPrint is the output type for which the fallback types should apply — 1 for printed output, 0 for screen (online) outputs
For example:
add_graphic_fallback("c3di", "pvz,tif", 0)
For Arbortext Editor connected via the PTC 伺服器連線, the fallback uses the adapter call sess_get_file() to obtain the fallback rendition.
When publishing a payload with Arbortext Publishing Engine, the fallback uses the ResourceMap in the manifest.xml to determine what attachment to use.
If the fallback graphic is not supplied, or there are no matching attachments, publishing will produce an error message
Related Topics
Supported Graphic File Formats
Intelligent Graphics Overview